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Petite treatment reviews I have received so far

Date 20.04.17 20:00:01 View 946

Hello :) I am writing to summarize the procedures I have received so far and share them with you! First of all, my original face shape was... serious U-line chin + large thighs + rich cheeks. Ever since I was in high school, I've been going around saying that I really want to get contouring surgery and that I should do everything from cheekbones to chin... But now, I've been hearing a lot of people say I have a small face. I'm so happy to hear a lot of people say that my face shape is pretty ㅠ 1. Chin Botox - I've been receiving chin Botox consistently from when I was 21 to 25 . I've really seen great results. It's inevitable for those who have a square jaw due to their bones, but I guarantee that those with a lot of muscle mass will definitely see the results! I am receiving two products, Botulex and Innotoxin . 2. Chin filler.  I definitely think it is the most effective of all the petit procedures I have had so far. I had no chin at all and had a perfect U-line, but I was very satisfied  with the chin filler. It was definitely v-shaped. As the shape improves,  the shape of the face improves and the image becomes more mature? It worked!! suggestion!!! 3. The effectiveness of contour injection may vary depending on the hospital, but I think I got the contour injection about 10 times...^_^... But unfortunately... it had no effect at all. I headed it. After that, I didn't even look at contour injections for several years. 4. Orthodontics . Well... it's ambiguous to include this in the review of the petite treatment, but I think it helped improve the shape of my face. I had protruding and overlapping teeth, but I heard that after four teeth were extracted, my teeth became straighter, and my face became slimmer, so I think I've definitely seen the results, so I'll give it a try. 5. I've had Shurink treatment about twice, but the first hospital I went to was much better . The price difference between this and Hospital No. 2 is similar and not much, but at Hospital No. 1, the therapist did all the cleansing, and I felt that the doctor was really thorough with the laser treatment, and even after it was over, he gave me cream and a soothing pack. The effect is one week? As it passed, I could see the sagging skin lifting up as it gained elasticity. But it's not dramatic ㅠㅠ I'd rather try Ultherapy later. On the other hand, at hospital number 2, I had to wash my face in the eyewash room, and thanks to that, my clothes and sleeves all got wet and uncomfortable ㅠ The director also really did the procedure... haha ​​roughly... It hurts. It didn't work, I thought it was just passing by ㅡㅡ and then I got annoyed~ After the laser treatment, I didn't even apply any cream or pack or anything, so I just went home ... haha ​​It didn't have any effect either haha ​​6. If you get hit with a charm filler, it will turn into an adult or a larva. Well , there are a lot of people saying things like this, but in that case, it seems that people with a completely protruding forehead, high nose, and pointy face, and people with already gorgeous faces, need a lot of cuteness to make them grow and deteriorate. In my case, I only had surgery on my eyes, and my overall appearance is plain. But the mid-face area. It's long ㅠ It's true that people with long mid-face areas can benefit from aegyo filler. I saw a lot of results from aegyo filler and it also improved my image, so I was really, really satisfied with the procedure . However, there's one thing to keep in mind. If you feel like you've lost even a little bit of your charm, if you get a small amount frequently, it will make you saggy... It's really not pretty, like you have bags under your eyes, so even if it's inconvenient and expensive, you should definitely get it again! I recommend dissolving it all and getting a new procedure :) 7. Nose filler I originally had a high nose bridge and a slightly long nose with a hooked beak. In fact, nose surgery is the answer for a nose like this rather than fillers... I'm still scared of surgery, so I just got filler first to improve the hooked beak . Just the feeling that it works! But strangely, there is a clear difference between what I did and what I didn't do. I met an older sister I knew for the first time in a while, and she looked at my nose. Huh??? Did you have surgery??? It was like this.... And people who met me for the first time thought I had surgery because my nose was high, and they didn't even notice that I had an aquiline nose! But nose filler is also a filler, so as time passes, it doesn't feel the same as when I first had it done. That's why I want to have nose surgery when I get the chance later. It's quite difficult to write this down here. Anyway, I hope it helps a little.

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흐어 좋은 정보 정성스럽게 써주셔서 감사합니다
20-04-17 20:09
오 후기 잘봤어요!! 정보 얻어갑니다^_^
20-04-17 23:42
큰 수술 없이 큰 효과를 보신 경우네요.
20-04-19 09:49
코필러 하고 싶른데... 점점 퍼진다던데 그런 느낌은 없으겼어요?
20-04-27 17:47
오 상세한 후기 너무 감사합니다 !!
20-05-04 13:53
애교살 어디서 했는지 알수있나오??
20-07-14 10:51
잘보고 감니다, 도움이 된거 같아요^^
20-07-31 05:35
섬세한 후기 고맙습니다 애교 필러 알아보고있었는데 너무 많은 도움 됐어요
20-08-09 06:55
* 비밀글 입니다.
20-10-11 05:35
턱필러 어디서 하셨을까요?
23-04-09 10:43
Maid Young Plastic Surgery
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