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Forehead filler review

Date 19.08.09 08:19:41 View 461

My forehead was so off and I had a broad forehead on a flat forehead, right? Because of the price of forehead filler, carefully considered and considered the result! A little bit on the day? I was a little concerned because it was overly bloated, but somehow it became more natural as time passed. When it peels off, it drips a-! I remember getting scared every time I heard something like this... Ah! It seemed more creepy and a little more painful when it got closer to the scalp... It's been 5 months since I put 7cc of forehead filler? It's been a while, but I've been missing a lot lately ㅠㅠ I'm going to go get a brow filler again in a month or two!! At that time, it would be about 5cc, right? After I did, the forehead line is much prettier than when I had a complex before, I like it, and the part that falls off the nose is pretty, so if it falls out, I'll keep doing it hehe I love the round forehead!!

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19-08-13 16:33
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