Job Review

Review of nose filler (Myeongdong)

Date 19.07.24 15:18:02 View 554

This is my first nose filler review. I got it last year at a friend's hospital!! It's in Myeong-dong. I was nervous because it was my first treatment ㅠㅠ I heard a lot of stories in the meantime, and I said I had to do it, but I got tired of it hehe When I went , the waiting time was very long, and the counselor was kind!!! I was bored because of the long waiting time, but I endured it thinking that I would be pretty hehe I went in for the procedure, but it was nice to put a doll-like thing on my lap so that I wouldn't tremble!! I haven't been to any other places so I don't know very well ㅋㅋ Q ㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ When I did it, it hurts more than I thought, but it moved and then it might not come out pretty. I heard from somewhere and in my mind, I'm fine. I'm fine . It was amazing and I was satisfied!! The nose was also raised not too high, and it was really, really natural!! I didn't expect it to be much higher, so I think I was satisfied!! It is said that if you raise it a lot with filler, it will spread to the side just like building a sand hill ㅠㅠ So I was greedy!! However, if you look closely at the shape, it was slightly curved, but my nose was also curved, so I thought it was inevitable . It's curved ㅠㅠ But really, that much that only you know?? And it was okay because I knew I had a bent nose!!!! It's been a while since I've done it, so I have to do it again , but I'm still worried because I'm afraid because of the sound that it will spread if I do it a lot  . It 's okay I have thin skin on my lower nose, so I tried a filler and it's good I like it. It 's very natural and moderately high . A person with a curved nose will not fit in a straight filler.

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You have thin skin, but you don't even have flesh on your nose??
19-08-16 01:28
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