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[Filer] Someone who recognizes hip fillers, Baba

Date 24.05.17 11:05:04 View 1,459
예쁨주의쁨의원 신논현본점

Is it like that since birth? My hip dip is so severe that I need fat grafting? Body filler? I had a lot of worries about what to do. The shape was lumpy and even when I wore pants, the hip dip part was really weird, so the shape was really strange... I wasn't really interested in my body shape, but I guess it was because clothes became lighter, and at some point, I started to pay more attention to my body than my face. .. I looked into several places and got it done at Shinnonhyeon Peum Clinic. The reason I chose this place is, firstly, I heard that the director graduated from Seoul National University and has a lot of experience with fillers, and secondly, what I wanted was something that was really natural, and there were a lot of reviews that felt that way, so I decided to get it. I thought it would be able to meet my needs. Even on the day of the treatment, it didn't feel as unnatural as I thought and there was no discomfort in moving, so I am very satisfied with the hip filler. I think the advantage is that there is less downtime and you can see the effect immediately.

lol말파이트's More Posts
Cmts 3
Wow...I was already looking at hip dips. Can you tell me what the price was and how much it was done?
24-05-17 13:23
It's really natural. I was also curious about the price. It's good. It looks so pretty.
24-05-17 16:25
I had a lot of concerns about my hips that wouldn't come back after I left my baby, and I thought I could use filler, but it's surprising. I'm really curious about the amount and duration of use.
24-05-21 15:23
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