Job Review

[필러시술] Co&Co (Hico) review

Date 18.09.06 21:47:30 View 641

I got it done a week ago. I originally had filler on the bridge of my nose. I have a low nose bridge and a lot of fat on my nose. Except for my nose, everything else is fine. Even when I was young, my friends joked and joked that if I had a sweet nose and looked like this, wouldn't I be handsome? haha . I was somewhat satisfied with the filler, but after hearing that the tip of the nose is the key to rhinoplasty, I started to take interest in the tip of the nose. As a student, my ex-girlfriend told me about ㅁㅇㅎㅇ? Can I use something like this? After looking at the prices there, I picked a hospital that I liked and got it done right away without any hesitation. At a place in Gangnam... the surgery was a bit scary... I went in with some expectations, but first of all it was an explanation and other nostril reduction injections. I laid down on the treatment table without hearing anything other than that it would be good to get the shot together. After looking at it, they only said that the missing area between the nose bridge and the bridge of the nose would be filled with filler, and they immediately gave me an anesthetic injection. The anesthetic injection was so painful... I was in tears... It took 5 hours. minute? I think it took a while. Other than the anesthesia, I didn't feel much . As for the results, there's almost no change. Maybe it's because there's a lot of fat on the tip of the nose, so it's not really noticeable. I feel like it's gone up a little bit, but maybe because of that, it feels like my nose has gotten fatter. Is it because I chose the wrong hospital, or is surgery the right answer for a double nose? I think it's just a waste of money. ㅠㅠ... Ha... I'm thinking a lot. ㅠㅠ It seems like a double nose is too painful.

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