Job Review

[Lifiting] Ulthera review

Date 24.06.18 21:12:58 View 315
During days

I am writing a review I received a while ago. First of all, I would appreciate it if you could note that at the time, I was in my mid-30s and had the procedure done, and my face was all natural. While searching through an app called Mi-Hehe, I found a hospital that seemed reasonably priced, so I booked a consultation for Ulthera treatment. It was a congressman whose size was not large. The desk staff were gentle, quiet, and friendly. There was no counseling director, so I went in to get a consultation from a doctor, but the doctor's face was tight and shiny. I wasn't born with good skin, but my skin felt like I had taken care of it after receiving a lot of treatments. I have to say that I feel like I have had a lot of procedures done on my face haha. The doctor explained carefully how Ulthera works on the skin. I didn't like my deep cheeks sagging and looking dirty, so I told him I wanted this area to go up a lot, and he said he would focus on attacking that area. As soon as I saw the doctor's face, my skin started to smudge, so I trusted him (this shouldn't have happened lol) and got the treatment right after the consultation. You didn't apply numbing cream before getting Ultherapy? I don't know if it's different at each hospital... I haven't received any treatment other than here. Anyway, I was able to tolerate it at first, but I felt the intensity of the laser getting stronger. They didn't even give me a doll, so I held on without complaining with a strong belief and mental strength that if I endured this and received it, my skin would grow and stick to me. The doctor praised me for holding up well ㅅㅂ;; I received 400 shots of my entire face except my forehead, and after receiving it, there was slight swelling and my face looked round. No one around me knows that I had the procedure (haha) and only I know about the unique firmness. As time goes by, it shines and evens out the areas I was concerned about. In my experience, it has been maintained for more than 3 years.

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