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[레이저후기] mts review

Date 18.09.10 07:37:12 View 707

I had really good skin, but I suddenly started getting acne a few years ago, and I have been struggling until now. In the meantime, I watched YouTube and saw a video uploaded by a famous YouTuber saying that pores + acne scars made my skin clear. I made a reservation at a dermatologist and went up from the province to Seoul, so I immediately turned it off 3 times because it was a bit cheaper, but the price was too high, so I didn't really doubt that I would have porcelain skin too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ After washing my face and applying anesthetic cream, lay down for 30 minutes and then the director himself I developed an ampoule and rub the roller on my face while spraying it on my face. It just stings and I rub it in. Then my face turns red. I don't put on makeup on the same day, and I put on makeup from that day. .. But if there is one thing that has improved, what about the skin texture? I turned off the 3rd episode and the remaining episode hasn't been going for a year anyway, so it's different for each person, but I can't see the effect ㅠㅠ

쪼쪼깅's More Posts
Cmts 7
There were also reviews saying that the pores were gone with mts, but this is also a kebab for each person.
18-09-10 09:22
[@] Yes ㅠㅠ I thought it would have an effect even if it was temporary .. it's the same. It's a waste of money
18-09-10 15:48
I bought mts at home and tried it consistently, but for people with large pores, there was really little effect.
18-09-10 10:33
[@msuk****] Yes ㅠㅠ It seems that everyone is different.. I went to a dermatologist because I saw a YouTuber's review video and had similar skin.. I went to a dermatologist, and the YouTuber's review video was openly played. Most of them seemed like people who came to watch YouTube like me.. Just because I like the reviews, there is no guarantee that it will be good for me, and I watch the reviews carefully after that.
18-09-10 15:56
I'm looking into it too, but it doesn't seem to work ㅠㅠ
18-09-14 10:33
전 한의원에서 힐링mts받았는데 여드름 패인흉터땜에 받았었는데 딱히...아프기만 엄청 아프고 그래서 다른곳네서 살차오르는 침받고 잇는데 이것도 영.... 별로 효과없어서 상담하면 사람마다 다 다르다고 더받아보면 차도가있을지도 모른다고 희망고문해요 ㅠㅜ
18-09-16 01:52
스킨젝션 추천드립니다 에스테틱샵전용이에요
18-09-17 02:42
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