Job Review

[Filer] Second review (forehead filler, under-eye filler, lip filler, picoscopic procedure)

Date 24.06.25 12:59:49 View 1,761
톤즈의원 인천점
2000009 만원
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180 Days

이마필러 눈밑필러 볼기미없음(기본카메라)

<이마필러 눈밑필러 볼기미없음(기본카메라)>

이마필러 꺼진부분 눈밑 다크 주근깨 화장했지만 안가려짐

<이마필러 꺼진부분 눈밑 다크 주근깨 화장했지만 안가려짐>

I brought you my second review! Because I received a lot of help from Seongyesa, I took pictures and articles more carefully . I took selfies with the feeling that I should also find selfies and upload them . Don't be shy, but I started off with the Picosure Zoom Pass (which doesn't cause scabs) and the Platinum Toning Package ! To be honest, I didn't plan on spending this money, but I also have hair removal. Full face hair removal... the biggest expense of my life... But it's cheap. It's my first time getting treatment, so I'm complaining, and I really don't regret it . No matter how much I spent, I was worried because it was a lot of money. I was a salaried worker, so I couldn't afford treatment if it was too expensive, so I worried a lot. Even though I put on a lot of makeup, if I showed freckles in the photos, I was worried. In reality there were more; Even if you take a picture with an app, it comes out well. I have a fair face, so the contrast is good! As I got older, I began to have more and more freckles. It wasn't clear whether it was melasma or freckles . When I was younger, I insisted on having freckles, but when I got into my 30s, I couldn't insist, so I got help from modern medicine. But with Zoom Pass + toning, my face became a lot whiter. ! (surprised that my white face has become even whiter) And now that I’ve been doing it for a while, oh? Do you think you can tolerate this?~! So, during my second consultation, I also received beauty consultation. My forehead is off in the middle, my aegyo flesh is thick, but the area under my eyes is dark, so I got some filler (even if you die and wake up, you can't redistribute fat) and lip filler. Crazy, I take pictures with that basic camera. Now hahaha, I just apply tone-up sunscreen. Sometimes I think I need a recommendation in my life, but I'm just a person who will never get fillers when I die of old age. I don't know if I'm getting Rejuran if I keep going like this. I heard it's really painful, but the facilities are good. The samsungs are also friendly and provide good advice. There is a bit of a wait when they are busy, but I can tolerate it because my face has improved. Oh, and I also got lip fillers, but I couldn't do it because I was embarrassed because it would show my whole face, so I didn't do anything, but just filled in the volume and slightly raised the corners of my mouth. I did just that! Oh, and a good tip! Buy the package you want and add everything you want to the first visit event! There are some things that are a little weak as it is a first visit event, but it is good to add things like Lalafill or Aquafill that will improve after just one use! Actually, you took care of it during the consultation, but still...

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