It's been about three months! I did lip and nose fillers . Due to my personality, I sold a lot of handicrafts. I only searched all month. Everyone was so kind, and the manager and director only needed the necessary parts when I saw the article saying that the director was more famous than the director . Pick it up and tell me you don't need what you don't need. So trust went and I had booked a nose filler at ㅁㅅ, but I canceled it and just got it here. No nose spread, I like it!!! To be honest, I was very worried about spreading.. It hurt, but I'm the type of person who tolerates it well, so it was bearable haha ㅠㅜ Just a few tears... Heh I really care about symmetry, and if I don't like it, I just keep looking in the mirror. thank you so much!! The director is a molding craftsman, so I don't think it's a place that specializes in fillers! Oh, and I did lip and nose fillers, and they gave me a botox service for the corners of my lips. I hated that because my upper lip was thin, asymmetrical, and thinner when I smiled? I used to be pretty when I smile, but now I'm even prettier.. haha I didn't have a nose bridge , but I got it haha I wanted to do chin filler and temple filler here, but I decided to do 3 types of contouring, so I haven't visited since then. However, if I want to do forehead or cheek filler, I will do it to the director again. I recommended a lot to my friends around me. It was my first filler in my life! It's a complete success Let's get this success energy and go to the 3 types of contours~~~~~!!!