Job Review

[Waxing] Laser hair removal review - arm, philtrum, legs, eyebrows, Brazilian

Date 23.10.21 02:59:19 View 763
During days

I don't like hair... I started with arm and leg philtrum, and now I'm getting eyebrow Brazilian. My legs don't really hurt, and my armpits just sting a little, but it doesn't hurt. I didn't get the bran consistently at once, but just sporadically for a long time, and the hair just isn't there anymore. I'm planning on getting it again someday. I've been getting it on my legs pretty consistently, but the hair on the slightly hairy part is too thin so it doesn't show up, so I don't shave it. The skin itself is very soft, and the philtrum and eyebrows are sore, but they're small... I just rub the philtrum a few times . It seems like they are giving it to Anna’s level? I don't get it a lot consistently, but get it a few times and then get it again when it bothers me. After waxing my eyebrows for a few years, they started to get so thin that I got tired of it, so I started removing my hair. I didn't get it a few times, but it definitely grew slowly. Brazilian eyebrow waxing is really... not like a high five from the Grim Reaper, but at the level of eating together. I've had waxing done, but it hurts incomparably more than I could have ever imagined. But when I say it hurts again, I get it while screaming because I don't think they'll give it to me or make it easy... But after going over 10 times, it suddenly doesn't hurt a little, so I'm upset . It seems like I need to get it at least 30 times to not get hurt in any part of the body. And not only the price of the laser, but also the machine is important, so make sure you have a good machine and go with the one you use - I went with Apogee Plus, but these days, a better one called Apogee Elite Plus has come out, so I went looking for that one, just to get less money.

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Written by App.
Cmts 5
Wow, if you do all 30 parts, it will cost a few hundred dollars.
23-10-21 04:46
다리 제모하고 가야해??
23-10-21 16:46
저도 이털 전부 없애고 싶어여ㅠㅠㅠ
23-10-25 21:39
많이 아팠겠다 ㄷㄷ
23-11-07 21:52
샵가면 편하긴한데 개수치스러워서 두번다시 안감. 남자 들어와서 개식겁함ㅋㅋ
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23-11-27 11:20
Custom Plastic Surgery
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