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[Lifiting] Reviews of ultrasound and high-frequency lifting experiences

Date 24.03.13 12:03:14 View 1,204
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*I don't have much weight and have a skinny face. I'm in my mid-30s! *Ultrasonic Line Shrink 300 Shots They recommended Shrink rather than In Mode because my face does not have volume. There was also a place where they asked me to do both together, but this was my first time doing it. But it worked well, and I didn't feel as much pain as I thought. However, when shooting at the bone, it feels like hitting with an awl. It was effective, so I started taking it every month... 300 shots of Ulthera . Then I received a strong recommendation that Ulthera was the original Shurink and was much better... So, I wanted to take Ultherapy once every six months rather than every month. But I really regretted this. Facial fascia line?? What should I say.. Anyway, it turned out to be such a huge skull statue that you could see it all.. I guess this is proof that Ulthera is effective, right? But for people like me who don't have fat on the face and have visible angles, I think it's better not to get Ultherapy... Should I really get filler, but it's going to come back anyway, so it's been a bit of a painful month. After a month, it got a little better, but even now, I'm worried about having to put filler under my eyes, which I've never worried about in my entire life... Thanks to that, I realized that I had the weight I needed... I think Ulthera was the most painful laser I've ever had. ... *High-frequency line in mode fx I was criticized for not having skin on my face, but when I saw another friend do it, it looked good, so I just tried it. But it worked well for me too. I liked the combination of In Mode + Shrink. I've tried the in-mode separately and the shrink alone... um... the shrink feels like it compresses the face, and the in-mode feels like it tightens the skin...? I don't know, it seems like a slightly different effect, how do I feel about it subjectively? But anyway, it was nice working together. Another friend also told me that she was criticized for having a thin face, so I suggested she give it a try, and she was very satisfied. However, if there is a caveat, if you don't have a lot of facial fat, I think it's okay to extend the interval between treatments... I went once a month, but it doesn't seem bad to take three months in a row as recommended by the hospital, then rest for about two months. ...? These days, they make it longer by a few minutes... There is something like this, but I've never tried specifying a separate fraction, so I don't know. Oh, and I didn't feel much pain from In Mode either. I heard that there was almost no difference between the Ball Newmer Oligio and the Ball Newmer, but I tried the Ball Newmer because the market price was a little more expensive. And I thought this was really it. In Mode Shrink is effective if you don't have facial fat, but you need to be careful, but this one went up without losing weight? The effect seems to last longer. It feels a little more painful than Inmode or Shrink, but less painful than Ulthera? The ball neomer was advertised as not being painful, but I felt hot... It was the same as the Oligio ball neomer. The effect is the same and the feeling is exactly the same... He also recommends it to people with thin faces.

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