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[Trouble Improvement] I think it’s a good idea to get an inflammatory injection as soon as acne appears.

Date 24.02.26 22:49:42 View 738
During days

If you get a pimple, the best thing to do is to go right away and get an inflammatory injection... If you leave it alone or try to touch it, you end up with a scar . If I had known this sooner, I would have gone to a dermatologist sooner... Since the inflammatory injection is a simple one, I don't think it's okay to just go anywhere .. I don't think there's any need to go anywhere

yekiki's More Posts
Cmts 9
Oh, I guess going to the dermatologist is the answer..!
24-02-27 22:40
That's right, but if you hit it wrong, you'll get a dent, so I still recommend choosing the right one..! sob
24-03-03 19:43
But it hurts so much that I’m scared to go haha.
24-03-21 13:40
In the first place, acne itself is caused by increased sebum secretion, so if you regularly manage waste and remove sebum, it will be less likely to occur. These days, the Galvanic new model has a sebum removal function, so if you use it regularly, the sebum goes away and the clogged pores become more unclogged, so it seems like you're using cosmetics better. You don't need anything too expensive, and Liliheal seems to be good value for money, so I definitely recommend it.
24-03-27 22:44
I got an inflammation shot and got a dent! I think it's best to keep a pharmacy product on hand and soothe it with ointment rather than an inflammatory injection!! It's an invisible spot under the chin, but if you have a clam chin, it's the spot where the skin rises and you can see it, right? If it's just there, it's a white scar, like a small mark, and if you have a clam chin, it's a dent!! Deeper than seashell wrinkles!! I'm really worried ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Be careful of the inflammatory injection!! Once you get one bottle, you can never go back.
24-04-10 01:17
Could you please tell me what kind of ointment you use??
24-05-19 12:56
I've tried everything, but these days I'm settling on just Azalea! It's effective for any type of acne, and it's also effective for pigmentation, so I only use Azalea when I feel like I'm going to get acne, and when I'm removing any remaining scars!!! It's great because you can use it during the day too! The only thing is that it's hard to find at pharmacies these days, and it can be a little irritating, but I highly recommend it.
24-05-20 11:44
Thanks for letting me know, Yesa!! I should look for Azaleaㅜㅜ I have a lot of pigmentation because I touch and squeeze my skin ㅎㅎ..
24-05-20 13:52
The anti-inflammatory injection hurts, but it seems to be effective!!
24-06-11 10:25
Vibe Plastic Surgery Clinic
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