Job Review
[코성형] I had a nose job this Thursday. I really want to get it removed.. Please give me some advice. ㅡ.ㅜ
작성 11.01.01 19:58:10 조회 1,527
- As I was writing, the text got a bit long.. ㅡ.ㅜ Please understand... - I received it at a hospital in Gangnam. The swelling was indescribable, but I regret getting the surgery so much. I always thought that my nose was a bit higher, but when I actually got it done, I regretted it from the day it happened. I wondered why I spent all that money on it .. A low nose looks natural and pretty. I didn't even tell my parents when I got it done, but I wondered how it would go down for the Lunar New Year. I called them to greet them happily on the phone, but I feel so guilty. I should've bought my parents a gift with that money... I don't know about anything else, but my ears were pretty, but I feel so guilty that they removed my ear cartilage. It can't be restored... That's why I'm going to ask for the removal surgery when they tell me to come back on Monday. There are so many people here, and I only spent about a minute consulting with the director. Even the last pre-surgery design consultation, he just said, "I'll make it smart~" and left without listening to me for long. This weekend is a holiday so it's really long. I held out on Friday and Saturday. I have to hold out until tomorrow. I really want to get it removed quickly. Really. If I add up the amount of time I slept yesterday and the day before, it's probably going to be 3 hours. I can't even sleep, and I can't do anything human. Even the fun Infinite Challenge isn't fun at all. I really realize to my bones that everything in the world depends on the mind. Even if there's nothing I can do about my ear cartilage, I wish my nose could at least turn properly. Before, my nose was round and floppy, but now that cute nose will disappear... I can't do anything I wanted to do during winter vacation... I can't go to school... I can't meet people... It's year-end parties and New Year's parties... I feel like I'm going to die. Fortunately, before the surgery, I asked the doctor to do it within the range that doesn't damage my existing conditions as much as possible because I thought I might want to go back to my old face. After the surgery, the nurse told me that she did it. It doesn't seem to be seriously damaged. Wouldn't it be better to discuss how the surgery was done on Monday and have the surgery done right away? Today is the 3rd day and Monday is the 5th day, so since I've decided to have it removed, it'd be better to have it removed quickly, right?? Well. I think it'll be better than now. If I go back, I'll live without complaining about my appearance and without envying anyone. I don't know how much happiness it is to live naturally with a comfortable mind and health... ㅡ.ㅜ So I'm planning to visit another hospital on Monday. I'll take my surgery records with me. Looking at that hospital, there are too many people. I'm sure they'll tell me to wait. Of course, it would be nice if it could be removed right away, but if not, I'm thinking of going to a hospital that can have it removed on Tuesday. Those of you who have experience, please give me some advice. And if there's anyone who had the surgery like me, please, please. Every word means everything to me right now. If there's anyone who has experience with a reliable hospital for removal, I'd really welcome it. Please send me a message. My will to have the implant removed is firm. If I'm lucky, my nose will come back a lot, and if not, I'm going to manage it and work hard to minimize the deformation. It would be better to have the surgery as soon as possible, right? Please tell me what you want to say.
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