Job Review
[가슴성형] Already 4 months review
작성 24.05.30 06:59:51 조회 874

It feels like it's been a long time since I came in lol. I came in every day from before the surgery until about a month and a half after the surgery, but after a month or so, things started to slow down and I gave up thinking I should just leave it to time and it's already been a full 4 months. For the past
two months, my heart was so bad. Looks like a rock, right? I was so anxious and impatient, but now I just lost interest. It's like they're completely one body. I'm just living with it... They're sticking together well... haha.
My 4th month review of having the combo of negative capital, skinny skin, and new breasts... I'm still plump. I don't have cleavage, Kiki.
I'm still receiving follow-up care by changing capsules and radiofrequency treatments every 10 days. Hmm... Actually, I'm not sure about the effect. It's starting to bother me, but if I get the treatment on a day when I'm in good condition, I feel like my chest has loosened up that day. I feel like I can't stop going.
But it's not that there is no change at all. It seems like it's changing slowly... really slowly. The top photo is 2 months, the bottom photo was 4 months today. It feels like it's definitely gathering more in the same underwear? Now, if I pull it together with my hands, it's loosened to the point where it creates a bone (even this doesn't work when you're two months old), but the underwear doesn't have enough strength to gather it with underwear. Haha. I was worried about whether I should really wear a nub-bra and gather it up. No matter how much I wear a bra, my breasts don't come out...
I don't know. I'm skinny and skinny, so I shouldn't expect a great feeling of touch, but still... My dream was to have my breasts shaking when I run... When will that dream come true?
 It's still a bit like a soft ball, so when you press it with your hand and touch it, it's somewhat soft, but it doesn't shake when you move it. It's comfort itself... So unless you hit your chest, you'll just think it's really full. So, that
's all I have to say about the review. .. I tried to record it for the first time in a while because there wasn't a big change, but I have nothing to say.
 It's summer soon, and I want to spend my bikini life with cleavage this summer. I have breasts worth ten million won, but my friend who is an A cup has cleavage that I don't have. It's a bit unfair because it looks bigger than before, but after half a year or a year, the cleavage will appear and it will look natural... I hope the day will come when it's worth the money...

++ It was really fun to buy underwear after the surgery... I can't believe that only girls with big breasts were enjoying this... When I had battery boobs, I just picked up whatever I wanted because it was too big to wear, but once I got the ✌️size✌️ thing, I spent a million won on underwear lol.
[CODE : 2A854]
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