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[성형수다] This is why men should not get plastic surgery under any circumstances.
작성 24.05.04 16:47:56 조회 47,705

It's okay for women to deliberately show off their makeup, but
not for men.
Even if you've had plastic surgery,
 you can't wear makeup, and even if you do,
1. you'll be treated as gay (if you're really gay...? Hmm, slut)
 2. sharp-eyed women will notice (in fact, most of the time) )
 3. Difficult to appeal masculine beauty (This is a big deal, if it's Cha Eun-woo's level, it doesn't matter if he wears makeup, but since he's an idol in the first place, it's meaningless unless he's going to learn and wear dozens of makeup every day. What's even more important is that even if he gets plastic surgery, he won't be like Cha Eun-woo)
Idols in their early 20s or younger There is sometimes a demand for it from girls who are like hot guys, and it can work,
 but as you get older, you get left out, and in the eyes of high-ranking women,
 you wonder what you're doing. Well, since you're going to be a hottie at night, it's a good idea to do it if you want to show off your features well in the dark, but I guarantee you that you'll need to wear makeup for about a year before it loses its color. You'll get a sense of it from the makeup.
 I don't know what kind of face
 they are because they're regular guys, so I can't even tell how to apply what color.
 It'll take a really long time just to get a feel for the contouring.
 I don't even think that an ordinary guy would do that annoying thing.
 Anyway, until I understand about makeup. You will go through a lot of trial and error.
"I don't need it all, I want to look good even with plastic surgery. Women are crazy when I look good even with plastic surgery."
In reality, I am a well-maintained natural beauty.
It is natural to be attracted to a naturally handsome woman, and no matter how much plastic surgery technology has improved, I am almost always attracted to handsome men. Naturally
 handsome men and women are beyond compare.
Men just need to exercise, find fashion, hair, and mood that suits their style, and invest the rest in skin care.
Even if you get your eyebrows tattooed naturally, women have mixed feelings about it, saying it looks obvious, but
 plastic surgery is terrible and
 doesn't show
up . But it wasn't. Even if
 you just look at the eyes, there's a unique feeling of plastic surgery.
 If you look at a photo or video, you can't tell, so you have to see the real thing. In
 particular, the nose is really ugly, and
for men with white fur, naturalness is the life and charm.
 If it doesn't look natural, you can't help but feel a sense of alienation and dislike it.
+If you look at the comments, there are people who want to meet Song Kang, who looks more like plastic surgery than an ugly man who is a monster of nature,
 but no, that's natural;;
 In the first place, if you make the comparison premise like that, it doesn't make sense.
 As I wrote before, it's impossible to have a face like Cha Eun-woo or Song Kang even if you have plastic surgery. LOL. Why do you keep asking me to meet Song Kang, who looks like she has plastic surgery? LOL The only way to get a face like Song Kang after plastic surgery is because the original version is handsome. I don't want to talk about it, but...
 I'm talking about actors and idols. They are people who make a living from their faces in the first place.
 Management can also be included in plastic surgery, so I'm not trying to stop them, but
 at least they have their body, fashion, hair, skin, etc., and then they do plastic surgery when they feel bad. That's what I'm saying.. That's also what I'm saying that you should really think hard about and don't do at all possible.
 And this is the same for me, and if you look at surveys or things like that, it's true that women are still dissatisfied with men's plastic surgery regardless of whether they're handsome or ugly.
 Even if you watch it on YouTube or something like that, most women still don't like plastic surgery.
 It is a widely known fact that women do not want their boyfriends to have plastic surgery, and although they do not know about dating, they do not prefer it when it comes to getting married and having children.
 The example may be a bit extreme, but are the married beauties Kim Tae-hee, Han Ga-in, Min Hyo-rin, and
 their spouses all in the same level of appearance? Rain, Yeon Jung-hoon, and Taeyang, if you look at them calmly, they are not even good people.
 Let's assume that they are ordinary people? Seongyesa posted a photo of snow. I bet most people would like to have eye surgery, right? So, if they get eye plastic surgery, will they look better than they do now? It's rather strange,
 the writing skills are poor, and the writing is gibberish, but as long as there's at least one person who understands what's being said, that's enough for me.
 For a man, his face is as important as his abilities. I'm not denying the importance of the face. Of course it's good to be good looking...
 But unlike women, men can appeal in many areas even if they're good looking...
 Do you know how important this aura is to a person's charm?
 If you have this kind of aura,
 you won't be able to tell a lie, and
 even if you have a ㅍㅌㅊ face, you can eat up other ㅅㅌㅊ faces with their charm.
 The aura literally makes people bewitched, so they say it's cute,
 and usually, it disappears when you get plastic surgery.
 It's not just the eyes and nose. .. If you look at the reviews of men around me who have had plastic surgery or here, I am honestly satisfied with myself, but I keep thinking in my head that the previous version is better.
The article was long,
 but I am not stopping you from getting plastic surgery. But for men,
 even if you think about it carefully, the side effects are the worst. The enemy focuses on the eyes and skin treatments and
 competes with soft power such as confidence, intellectual charm, fashion, and humor.
 These factors make a man and create an atmosphere.
[CODE : 1B64A]
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