Job Review
[가슴성형] Breast surgery day 3 review!
작성 24.02.27 13:27:13 조회 751
 Height 166-(66kg)
 Mentosmooth Left-350 Oh-375
 Dual plane/Arm
 fat room 12.5
First of all, I am a fat person who only sells hands, not feet!
 At first, I didn't know anything about it, so I downloaded all the apps, looked through reviews, and searched for blog reviews on Naver. The price wasn't good and there weren't any good reviews, so when I was having a hard time, there was a hospital that kept catching my eye. The shape of my breasts that I captured because it was pretty was mainly 2 hospitals. After seeing that it was selected, I started looking for that hospital from then on!
First of all, what was important to me was the feel + recovery process + appearance! As I continued to search for the feel of the implant on YouTube, I was attracted to the Mentor implant. I looked into it on Mentor and found that the price was cheaper. At first, I thought
 there was such a difference in price. Is this okay? I had a lot of doubts, but I was reassured because there were many people who did it.
 In conclusion, I went to a hospital that often uses Mentor implants + chest x + bob x + reasonable price + 1-minute surgery by a breast specialist!
 I made an appointment for a consultation at only the one place I had decided on. I placed a deposit that day and set a date for 2 weeks later. Hehe,
I am tall and have a wide ribcage, so they said I could go up to 425, but I am a coward when it comes to dieting, so after much deliberation, I modified it to 375 and had surgery. So the left side is 350!
After looking at reviews from over 700 people, the consultation with the director was as expected and the surgical process was as expected, but I felt a little lonely on the day of the surgery. When I arrived, I walked around according to the procedure, and after the director's design, I got on the operating table! Because it was my first surgery involving a surgical procedure, I was so scared that my hands were shaking.
While my hands and feet were tied and blood vessels were being searched, the anesthesiologist came in. Another nurse? The people were busy moving around, preparing my body, and the needle had just gone in. As they put the mask on my face, I asked the anesthesiologist what solution and how much it would cost. The anesthesiologist saw my shaking pupils and said, "Let's slow down a little^^. Who am I, the anesthesiologist? I will put you to sleep now. I was so relieved that I almost cried haha. Then,
as expected, I opened my eyes and the surgery was over, and in the recovery room!
 As the reviews say, it was extremely cold, my arms and legs were shaking, and my chest was heavy. The first day felt more difficult than the pain. I didn't wake up from the anesthesia very well and my armpits were very sore, but the nurse told me to leave the hospital now. Others said to leave the recovery room after resting for at least 1-2 hours. I heard it was 20 minutes? In less than 30 minutes, I keep getting up and doing a standing IV pole? Tell me to hold it ㅠㅠㅠ Ugh, I want to hold it too, but my hands are shaking so much and I have no strength, doctor ㅠㅠ
I can't walk well because I'm not breathing well, so I left the recovery room. They gave me a pain relief injection, but they told me I needed to breathe louder, so I said thank you and got dressed. I went straight to the locker room to change, but rather than feeling very sick, my whole body felt weak, so it was difficult to get dressed. The surgery was completed faster than I expected, and the time I lay in the recovery room was so short that my guardian didn't even arrive, but I was lying in front of the counter,
 pain-free . After telling me how to remove the rosacea and thinking about it, I came out without even seeing the director's face. While I was waiting for the guardian, the desk attendant must have been off work. When the guardian asked me when the guardian would be coming, I felt sorry and said I would be there soon, and after 5 minutes, I came out alone. I
 was waiting on the first floor, but it was raining outside. It was still very cold and a little sad on the day of surgery.
I returned home with my guardian on the same day. I was hungry and thirsty, so I ate a delicious dinner, took medicine, and went into a deep sleep!
 The 2nd and 3rd days were much less difficult than the first day. I was secretly looking forward to it since it was a hospital with a lot of people who had achieved pain relief, but it felt like I had no pain at this level haha. I was able to do most of the movement, and even though I had a sore arm, my arm was raised to a certain degree! There are no bruises and there is a bulge on the top, but I can feel the director's skill, and I am satisfied.
The first day was difficult for me because my back was more stiff than my chest, but after sleeping,
 I felt great! From the second day, I can handle this pretty much. However, my left breast feels like it's a little soggy, and there's some chest tightness. There's no heat, and the pain isn't unbearable, so I'm planning to ask the doctor face-to-face in the week!
 They say breast surgery is a race against time, but it lasts for a month!! I'm already looking forward to writing the next review.
[CODE : 3F336]
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