Job Review
[코성형] nose
작성 24.01.24 04:11:49 조회 9,243
When I was selling my products, there weren't many reviews for people with the same condition as me, so
 I wrote this in hopes that it would be of some help.
 As someone who had all of
the worst conditions for nose surgery
 : 1. thick skin, 2. high nose, and 3. large nose
 ... I did my best before the surgery. I went to 12 places, and
 everyone told me not to expect anything, and that it was too difficult.
 The skin was especially thick, so there were people who touched it and admired it.. haha.
 Nevertheless, I had such a
 complex complex that nose surgery was on my bucket list. I decided to have the surgery because I thought I had to do it no matter what anyone said, and
 I am satisfied with the results!!
I'm someone who was desperate to improve the front, so
 I can't have a wannabe nose due to conditions, but I've gained confidence and
 I feel like my complexes have really improved, so
 even a nose with these conditions can be improved enough...!
I want to tell you not to be too sad
 -- this is a story about surgery, hehe --
 I only sleep when my nose is under local anesthesia, like a double eyelid, and I
 was awake during the surgery
 . I can't feel any cutting or tying sounds, but
 it feels like I'm being physically experimented on..
 ears. When collecting cartilage, if you watch ASMR, are there ear-shaped speakers? You know,
 that was exactly the same as the frustration I felt when I heard it haha.
 When I was getting my nose bone cut, my head was shaking like I was riding a roller coaster, so
 the nurse held my head
 . By the time it was over, I guess the anesthesia had worn off, but
 I felt like it was all tight, so it was very stinging and painful.
 In the middle of the anesthesia . It was a time of hardship and adversity..
 Now that I think about it, I think there were a lot of things that were clumsy, but
 it worked out well..
 When I opened my nose, I was able to breathe well, so it was paradise.
 Most of the time, my nose was used for sleeping, so
 it was over when I woke up. You may not think it's a big deal,
 but as someone who watched the surgery until the end,
 the surgery method is similar.
 The doctor told me during the surgery
 that the surgery was successful because there
 wasn't a lot of bleeding. But I'm worried that I'm bleeding too much. I guess I
 thought it was too easy to do something dangerous and
 if I had to do it again, I wouldn't be able
 to do it. I'm still amazed at how I held on.
 Anyway, it really didn't hurt at all after that
 and I think the hardest time was getting sick because of the swelling.
 Is this really the day the splint was removed?
I was shocked and worried because I wondered what had changed,
 but it is true that it takes a year to complete.
 And there are some things I wish I had thought about before surgery:
 1) Lengthening of the mid-face area
 (I never thought about the length of the mid-face area in my life, but
 it seems that the bridge of the nose has a presence) I think it looks a bit over-the-top, and I think it's right to make it look longer, so I hope you don't raise the starting point of the bridge of the nose or raise the
 eyebrows excessively) 2) If you make it flashy, your big nose will get bigger even if you
 don't (there's a saying that a full nose must be flashy, and that only applies to a low nose) Look... the tip of your nose is high to begin with, but if you make it too flashy because you want to look thin, you'll end up looking like a real Pinocchio)
 3) Epicanthoplasty
 (For those who have similar eyes and noses, epicanthoplasty can be done later, so be sure to do it carefully. The effect of raising the bridge of the nose and making the eyebrows appear closer) Because there is)
 4) Inconvenience in daily life
 (I worry about bumping my nose wherever I go,
 I'm anxious about side effects, I can't even bury my face in the bed, and
 I think sensitive people will be very stressed.) What
 comes to mind right now is that I'm
 planning on getting a nose surgery in the future. I wish people would be more careful, and
 I think it's important to acknowledge your own limitations and conditions. If you don't accept them, it seems like it's a shortcut to ruin even if the surgery goes well.
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24-02-01 04:55
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24-02-05 03:37
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진짜 너무 이쁘게 잘됐다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ병원 물어봐도 될까??..
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[CODE : 29CBB]
어디서했어..? 제발 정보좀 쓰니랑 조건 똑같은 예사야..심지어 수술 전도 나보다 피부 얇아보여 ㅠ
24-02-05 13:38
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24-02-05 21:02
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콧망울 얇아진건 실리콘 올려서 그런거야?
24-02-06 11:41
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24-02-07 02:50
[CODE : 1A21D]
본인이 가진 조건과 한계를 인정하는 것이 중요하다는 말이 와닿는다!
24-02-07 13:25
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* 비밀글 입니다.
24-02-08 00:20
넘 예쁘다! 축하해 ㅎㅎㅎ
24-02-08 15:30
헉 축하해!! 나도 딱 쓰니 코랑 비슷한 조건인데 부러운 맘이 크네ㅠㅠ 수술 어디서 한지 공유해 줄 수 있을까?
24-02-11 22:56
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-02-17 00:42
예쁘게 잘됐다! 축하행!
24-02-17 22:59
24-02-24 09:05
어디서 했는지 공유 부탁해도될까?ㅠㅠ
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