Job Review
[눈성형] Consultation review of lower eyelid surgery for men in their 50s (object, re-eye, hamburger eyes)
작성 24.01.10 20:41:20 조회 1,820

Ever since I was young, I had been concerned about the bulging fat under my eyes, but it got worse as I got older. I had been thinking about lower eyelid surgery for several years, but I couldn't do it because of concerns about side effects. I recently decided to have lower eyelid surgery, and consulted at three plastic surgery clinics this Monday. I received it, and I will write a review of the consultation as a reference for those who are considering lower eyelid surgery. The
 three companies I booked consultations with were selected after checking their reputation on cafes and blogs and checking for accessibility at home and whether they were focusing on eye surgery.
1. Objet Plastic Surgery (Gangnam Station) Reservation made at 10:30 a.m. on January 8
- Arrive at 10:23 for the reserved time of 10:30. After arrival, you will be asked to fill out a simple questionnaire
 - After filling out the questionnaire, go to a separate consultation room. The counseling director checked the main details of the information written on the questionnaire. The main things to check were dry eye symptoms, medications taken, previous surgery history, and whether there were any medications taken separately
 - Check the above information with the counseling director for about 2 minutes. After confirmation, continue to wait for Director Shin Chi-ho in the consultation room
 - At 11:20, an hour after arriving at the hospital, Director Shin Chi-ho arrived and listened to an explanation about the surgery for about 10 minutes, and for about 5 minutes he talked about problems caused by aging of the facial skin. It was about how to solve it. He suggested under-eye fat relocation and dual lower eyelid surgery as a way to solve it and asked which one I should do.
 - I knew that the under-eye fat bulge was serious, so I chose dual lower eyelid surgery. He explained the surgery for about 5 minutes and asked me what to do. In this case, fat grafting was strongly recommended because the area under the eyes was sunken
 - If I had had time, I would have asked a lot of questions about the surgery, but the consultation started 50 minutes after the reservation time, and the consultation schedule at Li Eye Plastic Surgery, which was scheduled for 1:30, was 12. Due to the change in time, there are almost no questions about surgery
 - Afterwards, the consultation director came and checked the cost and schedule for the recommended surgery for about 3 minutes.
 Riai Plastic Surgery (Sinsa Station) It was 1:30 pm on January 8th. Changed to 12 o'clock
- The consultation time scheduled for 1:30 on the Wednesday before the consultation date was changed to 12 o'clock after the director requested to change it because the surgery schedule was scheduled. From the first reservation, the director said that the consultation time may change if the surgery schedule is scheduled, so I did not really like it. There was no problem, but it would have been ambiguous if it had not been adjusted to 12 o'clock (the next schedule was 3 o'clock)
 - I finished the consultation at 11:40 at Objet Plastic Surgery, which was the first consultation, and arrived at exactly 12 o'clock
 - After arriving at Objet Plastic Surgery Likewise, you fill out the questionnaire and agree to the use of your personal information
 - After filling out the questionnaire, you start a consultation with the counseling director right away. Before the consultation begins, the counseling director gives you round tea
 - Consultation time with the counseling director of another plastic surgery clinic is usually It was about 2 minutes (object, big eyes), but in the case of Li-Ai, I consulted with the counseling director for about 8 minutes. As with other places, I checked the main information on the questionnaire and felt comfortable talking about any questions I had about surgery-related matters. It was nice to have the
 consultation - After the consultation with the counselor, Director Jeon Hyo-jin came right away and the consultation began. I thought it would be difficult to consult for a long time because the surgery was scheduled for this afternoon, but the longest consultation was a total of 23 minutes
 - After seeing the condition of my face, I immediately saw the condition of my face. Relocation of fat under the eyes is difficult, and he suggested lower eyelid + fat relocation under the eyes. He explained the surgery in detail for about 6 minutes, and the next 12 minutes were questions and answers for questions. The next 5 minutes were about surgeries other than the surgery I was about to undergo. I was curious about things (upper eyelid, forehead lift, etc.), so I asked about it, and it was good that he explained it well without seeming annoying
 - Director Jeon Hyo-jin also said that the area under the eyes was lowered, just like the object, but he did not recommend fat grafting. After the swelling went down after the lower eyelid surgery, it was good to have If you want a transplant, it is recommended that you do it then.
 - When performing lower eyelid surgery, it was recommended to do a mini face lifting at the same time rather than a fat graft. After thinking about it, he said that he would consider mini face lifting later after the lower eyelid surgery went well
 - With Dr. Hyojin Jeon, 23 After answering all the questions about lower eyelid surgery and other surgeries for a few minutes, the director came back in and had an additional consultation for about 20 minutes
 - After the consultation with the director, the consultation with the director, which would have been completed in about 5 minutes, was about the postoperative progress, schedule, and cost of the surgery. It took about 20 minutes to ask more questions about it. I was a little concerned because it was past lunch time, but the counseling director made me feel comfortable so I was able to ask everything I wanted to know.
 Hambak Eye Plastic Surgery (Apgujeong Station) January 8th at 3 PM Changed to 2:30 p.m.
- I originally had a consultation appointment scheduled for 3 p.m., but when I was receiving the consultation at Li-I, I received a call asking if I could move up the 30-minute appointment to 2:30, and they said I could.
 - Arrived around 2:20, filled out the questionnaire, and immediately I checked the main items on the questionnaire with the counseling director (about 1 minute)
 - After consulting with the counseling director, I immediately started consulting with Director Ko Han-woong. The total consultation time was about 16 minutes, but the explanation about the surgery was 6 minutes, and after that, I asked for any questions I had. It took 10 minutes to ask and answer questions
 - Director Go Han-woong also said that fat relocation was difficult due to the severe bulges under my eyes and recommended fat relocation + lower eyelid surgery like Li Ai. In particular, Dr. Koh mentioned fat grafting. - In the case of Dr. Ko Han-woong, he performed the surgery conservatively and said there was no need to worry about ectropion (eyelid inversion). He explained things comfortably and I was able to comfortably ask any questions I had
- Immediately after consulting with the director, you can comfortably discuss any post-surgery questions (surgery cost, surgery schedule, post-surgery visit schedule, eye ointment, swelling, wife's eye condition, etc.) for about 8 minutes with the consultation director. A consultation fee of 10,000 won is charged after the consultation.
 . The conclusion after the consultation was Liai Plastic Surgery
- I decided to get consultation from the three companies above by referring to various blogs, plastic surgery-related cafes, and YouTube to receive consultation (accessibility from home, whether it is a one-person hospital, reputation of the blog or cafe, (Do they do a lot of middle-aged surgery, explanations about surgery on YouTube, etc.)
 - Even if there are a lot of things on YouTube and it seems plausible, if you search through blogs or cafes and search for articles, you will find that there are directors whose beginnings and ends are different, so those types of directors are excluded. They have good reputations. When looking at blogs or hospital websites, we also exclude companies that do not have much information (companies that are not recommended)
 - We tried to find actual cases of plastic surgery, not advertisements (especially middle-aged/elderly lower eyelid surgery). Leave a comment to the blog writer. I left a comment and checked by asking for satisfaction. There are not as many reviews on lower eyelid surgery for middle-aged people as I thought.
 - As the consultation schedule approached, I saw many cases of failure after lower eyelid surgery, so I was a little scared until I received a consultation today. After receiving consultations at three hospitals today, I was definitely able to save time and money. Even if it costs money, I thought I should get consultations from at least 3 places (some companies felt different from what I saw online)
 - After consulting with 3 companies, I decided to get lower eyelid surgery at Liai Plastic Surgery and paid the deposit
 - Hambagun The plastic surgery consultation wasn't bad, but I liked that Dr. Jeon Hyo-jin of Liai Plastic Surgery explained things well as I expected and explained the discomfort after the surgery. I also liked the way the consultation director tried to give me various information about the surgery. Well, in conclusion, I felt a lot of sincerity
 - The lower eyelid surgery date was set for the morning of January 23 (Tuesday), the surgery time has not been decided yet, and can be confirmed the day before
 - After consultation, I decided to have lower eyelid surgery at Liai Plastic Surgery. Whether this will be a good decision or a bad one, the results will be known in a month, but I think I have a certain eye for people over 50, so I plan to think positively and undergo the surgery. I hope the surgery goes well and I can write a pleasant review after the surgery.
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