Job Review
[눈성형] I'm having trouble deciding between ㅇㅁㄹ and ㅌㅂ. Please help me ㅠ I'll write a detailed review of the product.
작성 24.01.10 16:38:28 조회 937
I went to many places in the local area and cried and went to four counseling centers in Seoul. It is meaningless to write a review of a product in a local area. I narrowed it down to two out of four places in Seoul, but I can't choose. Please help me as I am writing a review of a product. First
 of all, I don't want to be fooled . I can see the line with the in-out line, but it feels as natural as possible. I hate it. It's not ptosis, but I wanted to open my eyes wider, so when I raised my eyebrows, wrinkles appeared on my forehead. After getting Botox, I had to cover my pupils a little and bridge my eyes when I opened my eyes comfortably. I got it in 9 places out of a total of 11 places. They said it's called eye bridge repair,
so my eye bridge is hardened. I went to four places in Seoul.
 1. ㅇㅍ As soon as I go here, my eyes will be prettier if I double my eyes, so they asked me why I didn't get it done. They recommended an incision bridge, and the line was a bit thick, but it was okay. But they said I had to remove the fat, so I did it there. They told me that my eyes should not have fat removed because I have double folds inside the protrusion. They went to 11 places and came up with
2 common options. ㅇㄴㅂ Here, the incision is the same without fat removal between the eyes. The surgery method is the same, but I can see the doctor after two months. Because of the swelling, they said the doctor never saw me before two months because of the swelling. I don't think so and if you hold the line high in the protrusion, it will be a sausage, so I wanted to do it conservatively for the first time, but I thought it was a bit out of place.
3. ㅇㅁㄹ is famous here, but I prayed for the first time as soon as I got there. He gave me a sincere consultation. I waited for almost two hours. He held the line pretty well and although he looked tired, he tried to be kind. But as I started asking more and more worried, he suddenly became a little annoying and said, "Don't worry, it's not difficult. This is how I ended the consultation." I just showed up, but the surgery seemed to suit my eyes and the price was reasonable. It's cheaper if you make a same-day reservation on the app review, so I thought I'd do it here, so I paid the deposit that day. But the more I looked at the reviews here, the more the surgery was good, but the factory?? I asked about the long waiting list for the surgery. Since it was a 5:30 surgery, they told me to make reservations for 10 p.m. and the director looked at the progress on the day of stitching removal. It seemed like the doctor only checked the progress of eyes with problems. I paid the reservation fee, but I felt very uneasy. They say it's so busy and the doctor is so busy that I wonder if he can do it properly. He performs an average of 5 to 10 surgeries these days, and the surgery takes about an hour, excluding anesthesia.
ㅌㅂ Thanks to this place, I made a deposit for ㅇㅁㄹ.
 The doctor looked busy, but I asked enough questions. He answered me. I learned about the structure of my eyes and the lines were similar to mine because they are natural anyway. The surgical method was similar to the ㅇㅁㄹ and the fat grafting method without removing the fat between the eyes and bridge of the eye. He said that removal would never be possible, but he also cut out the noticeable areas, and the ㅇㅁㄹ actually sagging. It felt like this. They told me specifically that I needed to draw a certain line in detail here, etc. But the reason I didn't do it here is that if you pay a reservation deposit, you can't get a refund. If it's not a discount on the day, it's an app review, so you pick it up right then. So I just came out. It was expensive. So, then. It was just something like ㅇㅁㄹ and I was a little distracted as the train time was approachingㅠ But I called yesterday and decided to check the progress photos on the website and the price was at a reasonable level in my opinion.
What should I doㅠ I have to choose between options 3 and 4. Both of you are skilled. I heard it's good, but director ㄷㅇㄹ is famous, but I'm the director of ㅠㅌㅂ, so if I do it at ㅠㅌㅂ, I'll get it from the representative director, and the director ㄱㄷㄹ who was in Miho opened his practice.
[CODE : 29C8D]
[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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