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[안면윤곽지방] Question about side effects after one month of cheekbone + liposuction
작성 24.01.05 00:10:46 조회 713
Hello, it has been a month since I received full cheek reduction and facial liposuction. There are four areas that I think are problematic, but even though I
 explained them to the hospital, they were not accepted, so I am leaving a question as to whether I am making a mistake in my judgment.
 First, it is a
lip piercing phenomenon.
 When you move and apply a little force (when speaking or closing your mouth to eat), the upper lip philtrum turns to the left even if you do not intend to, and even if you apply force to the right, the direction is always noticeably turned to the left. Is this a temporary phenomenon?

Second, after cheekbone reduction, the screw plate is felt in the sideburn area, which is a natural phenomenon.
 I paid for a full cheekbone reduction, not a quick cheekbone reduction. I received an explanation in advance that the surgery method involves cutting the bone diagonally and inserting the screw. Isn’t the staircase phenomenon a phenomenon seen in quick clowns?

Third, after consulting with several plastic surgeons, I learned that the size of the cheekbones is different on both sides and that the left side is larger.
 After the surgery, the bone was reduced on the CT scan, but the imbalance, which was larger on the left side, remained the same, or rather became more noticeable. Should I call it a contour line
 ? The cheekbone on the left side shown in the image has more volume, and the cheekbone on the right side has a doll line and no angles at all
 . The doctor originally said that asymmetry was unavoidable, but is it true that this result is inevitable even though I explained the concerns of asymmetry in advance?

Fourth, after liposuction, a long crack appeared on the right side of my face diagonally from the side of my nose to the tip of my chin. When I smile, I look like a voguer or someone who has been stabbed. Due to cheekbone reduction, the adhesion of the sutures on the upper gums is less loosened, so they tell me to wait and say it is a temporary condition, but
 isn't that definitely not the result of general clinical practice?
They say just wait and give me a high frequency treatment and you will get better. Is that true?

Even when I inquired about reoperation at the hospital, the hospital was silent and treated me like a sensitive person, telling me to wait. The director kept avoiding me, saying I was on vacation, and the
 doctor always responded cynically to questions before and after the surgery. The person sighed and frowned in frustration at my question, but since he has a long history of surgery, I decided to just trust him and make an appointment. At the
weekly visit, the doctor checked the CT scan in the first week after the surgery. I know that I can't have a human conversation with a person who is so tense as if he's fighting if I ask something wrong, but I understand that his attitude is that of a busy person, so I held on to the person coming out of surgery for a while and asked him a few worrying questions about the prognosis, but as time passed, I didn't receive any response other than that it was getting better.
Since then he has only had photo shoots every week and has been seen by no one during his visits.

I went out of my way to relieve this frustration by making a reservation at another hospital, but
 I felt that I was more reluctant to give my opinion about other hospitals about side effects than I expected, so I spent a month wearing a mask with nothing to do, eating at work and with acquaintances. I'm avoiding him and eating his lunch box alone, and his face looks like a person with a disability, so even though I pay a lot of money, I'm stuck at home and can't see anyone.
I feel that due to an error in the design of the facial indentation and suction, the cheekbones have a skull-like appearance that stands out more.
The above case left me with a very different impression from before, and even though I invested years of leave, hundreds of dollars of money, and stamina, I actually think it was better than before.

The hospital says it's not long, so wait until you fully recover. So, even if you want to wait it out,
 this part of the recovery period is unusual and different from others, so isn't it right that the hospital should give you a clear answer about what it's like and that they can come up with such a plan in the future?

I am so frustrated and would like to ask for your opinion as to whether it is right for me to wait any longer or what action to take.
 Thank you so much for reading this long post.
[CODE : D8914]
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