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[안면윤곽지방] Review of facial contouring
작성 23.11.22 00:45:30 조회 1,717
I'm a local... I took a plane to Seoul and
 received a consultation.
 consultation included cheekbone reduction and chin advancement.
 fee Lifting/elevation should be considered. It is a natural procedure.
 Report the progress after 6 months after zygomatic aspiration. Consider
 chin advancement . Mandibular dwarfism. The bone is receded by 7 mm. The jaw itself is receded by 5 mm. Advancement of
 6 mm is expected.
 The director recommends chin extension surgery. You don't have to do it.
 The chin advancement itself doesn't have a long recovery period, so it can be done separately.
 They're very honest. If you're having surgery, you can bring a photo of the face shape you want on the day. They only touch up as much as possible on my face. I feel like emphasizing that I'm not a commercial hospital.
 Point to the face and show the feeling of the face after cheekbone reduction and sagging.
 Cheekbone reduction + liposuction + 45 degree shaving -> possible up to 575.
 I don't know about VAT.
 2. ㅅㅇㅅ Consultation fee 50,000 won.
 Recommendation of heretic advancement
 Chin advance after cheekbone/liposuction. The director was shocked.
 After looking at the CT, he placed his hand on the cheekbone and said that the face would not sag.
 But other than that, there was no detailed explanation about the cheekbone surgery, but I was too distracted to ask.
 He said that the chin tip must be advanced at all costs and that if not, he cannot have the surgery. He said that the chin
 will be removed by 12mm, which may not be enough.
 If you are going for a consultation, I recommend reading the blog posts and using it a lot during the consultation.
 Is the first surgery 550mm for the cheekbones and 660 for the chin? The two can be combined up to 1100. VAT 10%
 I scheduled a consultation for 12:30, but I couldn't get the consultation until 1:45, so I just left and was scheduled for a consultation at another hospital... The representative director said there will be a wait, but if you're going to get a consultation, I recommend allocating enough time.
 4 .ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ Consultation fee: 10,000 won
 . After hearing that my chin had receded a lot at ㅅㅇㅅ, I thought I might be recommended double jaw surgery, but it was true.
 There is tissue in the center of the chin, but the area where the corners of the mouth are receding is difficult to improve with advancement surgery. (This is mentioned in all hospitals) I had orthodontic treatment twice before, but there was no improvement in malocclusion/asymmetry/short chin, so I recommended double jaw after orthodontic treatment. I don't force it. I heard a lot of things, but they have evaporated from my memory.
 In the case of a clown, it is a face that will definitely benefit. The
 unfortunate part is that they do not tell you about the surgical methods
 , but I am too busy to ask about
 the nose surgery plan. They said there is, so don't do it in advance because if you have double jaw, it will spread.
 I think the list price was about 22 million won for cheekbones and double jaw.
 5. ㅁㄷㄹㅇ No consultation fee.
 Among the hospitals I visited, I heard of the only surgical method.
 In the case of a blind jaw, 5~7mm advancement, probably 6mm expected or more. I liked the before and after photos that showed excess and it seemed the most natural (only among the photos I saw at the hospital...)
 5-7mm can be added to the cheekbones. The consultation was short, but the point was clearly explained. I don't think it's a famous place, but I personally recommend this place.
 In fact, I only came to see the advance, so I only received an estimate for the advance.
 The regular price was 330 -> the event price was 196.9, excluding the tax of 200,000 won + the examination fee of 330,000. They informed me that
 it was very difficult because each hospital said it differently. Some said the clown effect was not great, and some said it was certain. As for pulling out the chin...
 I think I'll have to think about it for a few more days.
 And for celebrities, it's a must! I wrote down a list of questions and went to the consultation, but there seems to be at least one thing I regret.
[CODE : E9234]
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