Job Review
[코성형] Detailed footwork review of the first 4 places of Maeburi-ko
작성 23.11.08 04:38:39 조회 1,318
I have a typical hooked nose with a high bridge + a bulbous nose with thick skin + a deviated nasal septum and severe allergic rhinitis.
 When selling my products, I only look for hospitals that pursue stability and nature.
1 ㅋㅂㅈ - ㅎㅅㅁ (Seoul National University ENT specialist)
 Consultation fee 10,000 won,
 CT scan 22,800 won
 Diagnosis: Septum harvesting and raising the tip of the nose, adding ear cartilage if it’s not enough, shaving the beak, osteotomy, nostril reduction, septum deviation correction, rhinitis surgery (inferior nasal concha), bulbous nose correction / 480 (430 for same-day reservation)
 It was the first consultation in the morning, but another patient was busy preparing for surgery. It seems that the surgery was scheduled after the consultation. I had high expectations because the reviews were so good that I even used Seongyesa points to show the progress after the surgery by taking a side photo with a pad and doing a nose photoshop. It was the number one hospital for quality that I would have made a reservation right away if the consultation was okay, but I personally was very disappointed because the director seemed to be trying to finish the consultation quickly. The consultation time was exactly 10 minutes.
 A/S was free for 3 years, CCTV real-time confirmation (storage period is one month), allergic rhinitis treatment provided, free blood test, cotton removed in one day, use of a machine to reduce swelling, one-day hospitalization for functional nose surgery, free scar injections, etc., 3 on weekdays and 2 on weekends.
2 B - GJY (ENT specialist).
 Consultation fee 10,000 won.
 CT 0 won.
 Diagnosis: Septum extraction and then raising the tip of the nose. If it's not enough, add ear cartilage, shave the beak, osteotomy, septal deviation correction, rhinitis surgery (inferior nasal concha), bulbous nose correction, nostril reduction is optional / 400
 The director is really He looked tired, but he explained the overall condition of my nose while drawing a picture. After the consultation, I was fidgeting because I suddenly had a question while talking to the director, but the director came back and kindly explained it to me. The director here was bright and nice.
 CCTV was kept for a little less than a month (I agreed to filming before the surgery), A/S for 1 year (there is no separate anesthesia fee, but cartilage use is an individual cost), Machine to reduce swelling is frequently used, Hospitalization for one day for functional nose surgery, 4-5 surgeries during peak season, 1 day during off-peak season
3 ㄱㅅ - ㄱㄴㅅ (Plastic Surgery Specialist at Chung-Ang University Hospital)
 Consultation fee 10,000 won
 Diagnosis: Septal correction and rhinitis surgery not necessary (it may be functionally okay, but in my case, allergic rhinitis is more severe, so there is a possibility of relapse), No ear cartilage, osteotomy, or beak cutting only at the tip of the nose (optional), Cartilage tying was not necessary because the left side was already crooked / 420
 The director himself took pictures and even photoshopped them to show the results after plastic surgery. This was the only consultation that was worth the money since they showed me a lot of before and after photos. It seemed like it took almost an hour. Not only did they not recommend unnecessary surgeries, but I thought that I definitely needed osteotomy and a beak trimming because of my beak nose, but I realized that even this was overcorrection when I heard that it looked more spread out when viewed from the front. After that, the hospital said they wouldn’t do osteotomy on their own, so everyone thought it was optional. If you’re going to get your nose done, it seems that you should get a consultation even if you don’t get the surgery here. The more I talked about the consultation, the more I realized that while the hospitals that came before this one pursue stability, this one seems to be the type that pursues stability, so I was going to make a reservation, but I’m hesitant after seeing recent reviews. Since they use ear cartilage in the front, you should keep in mind that there’s a chance that the AirPods might fall out if you wear them.
 CCTV is kept for a month (get consent to filming before surgery), wakes you up in the middle, one surgery per day, no separate A/S.
4 ㅊㄷㅊ - ㄱㅌㅎ (Yonsei University ENT specialist)
 Consultation fee 25,000 won.
 Does the CT consultation fee include it?
 Diagnosis: Beak clipping option, septum shaving is thick on CT scan so nose tip can be done with septum alone (in preparation for secondary ear cartilage), bulbous nose correction, septum correction, rhinoplasty (inferior turbinate)
 . The only place that explained my septum thickness. The waiting time was quite long because the surgery was long before the consultation. I heard from the previous hospital that rhinoplasty has a high risk of relapse, so I asked if I really needed it - it is better to do it now that my nose is open than to not do it later because my nose is blocked. The deviated shape does not look that bad on the outside but the inside is bad on CT scan and there is flesh in the turbinate area. (Refutation of opinion that rhinoplasty is unnecessary)
 Aftercare (swelling, etc. are all taken care of), CCTV viewing is not allowed (can be viewed in case of an accident).
The rest will be discussed later…
[CODE : 18B69]
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