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[성형수다] The reality of breast surgery, men’s reactions
작성 23.11.04 03:17:20 조회 12,205
It's been over 3 years since I had breast surgery,
so I came here and read the reviews. They
 said they looked like natural breasts, which caught people's eye and gave them hope, so
 I'm giving them realistic information.

<Regarding the feel of breasts>
Do they look like natural breasts? If you're a bitch and
 you're a B cup or larger, but you're covering it underneath,
 don't most girls with breasts have A cups?
(I had an AA cup haha...) I'm
not saying this on my own, but
 my friend works as a nurse at Severance Hospital and
 she works in the breast cancer department, so she sees
 and touches women's breasts countless times.
But she also said that
plastic breasts are only noticeable to a certain degree and
 are absolutely different from natural breasts. (Don't trust Cody when he lets you touch his.
  When you bend down and touch it for a moment, it looks soft.)
 My friend, who is a nurse, touched mine and
 , 'Oh... you have a good sense of touch'.
 Why are you bragging? I'm not bragging,
 but even my breasts are always visible.
I don't like big breasts, so I made them smaller, and
 when I went to the consultation, all the doctors said
 that my
 breasts were good for surgery, but even I was like that.
 But if you ask me if it looks like a dick, it's not true. It
 doesn't feel like a natural breast . It's soft, and the shape is round and pretty, so I'm very satisfied
 . I go to the bathroom a lot because I'm Chung,
 and sometimes some girls say they have rocket-launching breasts
 (I don't know if the surgery was ruined or if it's just the cost of making them bigger),
 but when I'm next to those rocket-launching girls,
 my breasts look so small that I cringe. Haha,
 me too, sister . That's what I did ㅠㅜ
 <Men's reactions>
 I've only had 3 samples in my life,
 so they're quite pure~
 1. This guy, number 1,
 was a guy who didn't like big breasts. Maybe that's because of the leggings
 , but I didn't feel like I really liked my breasts.
 I didn't touch them that much.
 But I'm not sure if it's because I don't like them because they're foreign to me, or because
 I'm just not interested in breasts in the first place;
They say I have pretty breasts.
 2. Man number 2
 was a girl with a lot of experience and
 she liked my breasts. She
 was always nibbling and one day, I was like, wow,
 would you believe me if I told you this was real? ( Misunderstanding
 , it means that it is natural for plastic surgery.)
 Also, my ex-girlfriend paid 10 million won and
 had breast augmentation from A to E?, and
 her breasts were said to be hard when touched
 (Man: But it may be because it hasn't been long since she had it done
   . Me: How long has it been since you had it?
   Man: 6 months?
   Me: So it's almost resolved?
   Man: Then he's done? )
 3. Man number 3
 was good-looking, but he was Ada,
 so I didn't know he had breast sex
 because it was my first time with him
 ;; I guess plastic breasts are pretty, so
 when he first saw my breasts, he said,
 "Wow.. Wow;; What???;; Why did you hide these???"
I liked dogs like this.
 Even when I go home, I keep thinking about
 why your body is so pretty.
 But then the next day, I ask,
 'Did you put silicone or something in your breasts?'
 : I still like it, but
 it may be because I don't touch her breasts because she's a baby. 
 Female friends who had surgery:
 My boyfriend told me not to do it, but after doing it, he likes dogs.
 (Then why would I show my dislike in front of him?)
 Close male friend 1)
 My girlfriend got breast augmentation and I hate it.
It feels strange to the touch.
But in front of my girlfriend, I don't think it's weird, so I just
 pretend to like it without saying anything.
Close male friend 2)
 As long as it's not too artificial, it's better to have one than not have one.
I can't ignore visuals.
 Her family's younger brother) I don't want to talk about breasts with you.
 Final conclusion:
 Even if Ada, who has never touched a woman's breast before, touches it,
 she feels that
 it is completely different from natural breasts. Because the breasts are unrealistic.
 To put it in a good way, they
 are very pretty, big and symmetrical. It's unrealistic because it's an enemy,
 and to put
 it in a bad way , you can never fake that unique firmness.
 My boyfriend doesn't know that I had breast augmentation??
Yeah, I'm just fooling you.


If you really don't know, let's believe that it's not a disease but
 something innocent.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't have surgery.
It's not just the feel that's important.
Wouldn't all my friends be confident and only wear clothes that reveal their breasts, so
 long as they are satisfied with themselves?

It's just that various reviews and coordinates say
 it looks like nature these days!! You shouldn't have surgery with a fantasy product.
It looks like nature. You guys who leave reviews, have you lost your conscience?
(It could be because I've never touched natural big breasts before.)

------------------From now on, information --------------- --------------

<Surgical method>
I do it subfascially.
Some doctors say subfascial is better to the touch.
 Some doctors
say dual plane is better to the touch. They asked me to do it, so
I tried it. Nani doctors aren't selling medicine, but
 the 'good feel'
 seems to depend on what they focus on.

As I go over the fascial muscle,
 I feel like I can touch the implant more.
 But the implant is soft, right?
So, you can feel the soft implant.
However, since the dual plane is under the muscle, the implant itself does not feel as if it is being touched, but
 instead, it is firmer because the muscle is compressing it.
 (Search Kai Plastic Surgery on YouTube a)
Here, each doctor has their own standard for ‘good feel’. It seems to change.
Some doctors call @@@@
< About implants and filling rates >
 <Criteria for selecting a hospital>

 @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@#@@@@

I started writing this early in the morning because I couldn't sleep,
 but I'm sleepy so I'll come back tomorrow and finish writing about the goblins.

-> I came in and was surprised that there were more comments than I expected.
 Thank you all for enjoying it haha.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
[CODE : 2786D]
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[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

[CODE : 55C5D]
내가 성예사에서 본 가슴 글 중에

유일하게 현실적인 가슴글이다

참고로 이 글조차 좀 현실 남자 반응이 순화된 편인거 (쓰니가 좀 노는..? 인싸인 편인거 같은데
소심하거나 순둥한 남자들은 결혼상대로 제끼기도 함 ㄹㅇ로 구라 일도 안치고)

남자들 눈코 수술은 참아도
가슴 수술 못 참는 남자 많더라

이유1. 촉감 (그 어느 재질을 해도 절대로 촉감이 자연보다 좋을수없음 ㄹㅇ로 진짜로.
촉감 진짜같다는 글 다 개십구라임.)

이유2. 얼굴 수술은 그렇다 치는데 가슴 수술을 할 정도면
너무 그쪽으로 의식하는 여자라서 내 여자로 만들기에 뭔가 좀 무섭다라는 인식

 (비교대상이 잘 생각이 안나는데
물론 당연히 이정도는 아니겠지만
근육 잘 생긴다고 해서 약물 한 로이더 느낌..? 아무리 멋있어도
일반 평범한 가정에서 적당히
 잘 자란 여자가 보기엔 부담스러운건 사실인 딱 그 느낌)
23-11-08 01:36
[CODE : 55C5D]
[@] 요약


결혼 약속한 남친 있는 상태 or 결혼한 상태에서

+ 크기엔 집착 덜고, 촉감을 좀 1순위로 두고 해라
23-11-08 01:37
[CODE : 55C5D]

난 결혼할 남자 학벌, 직업 (특히
학벌) , 가정환경

이런거 잘 안본다

--> 그냥 지금 수술해도 된다
23-11-08 01:39
[CODE : 4991D]
*게시자가 삭제하였습니다.
23-11-08 02:26
[CODE : 55C5D]


응 그냥 내 의견은 그래..!

가슴수술 한거 치려고하는거 절대 아님

증거: 나도 가슴수술 준비중임 / 신랑 오지게
설득함 (연애시에는 혹시 몰라서 안했음
결혼하고 하려고) / 노트에 보형물 비교한거 정리한거 사진 첨부하려는데 댓글엔 이미지 첨부가 안되네 여튼 나도 할거임 수술 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
싱글이었으면 안했고 실제로도 싱글이었을땐 안했음
23-11-08 07:27
[CODE : 55C5D]

여튼 내 말의 요점은 당연히 수술은 자유지만

“솔로보단 커플일때
커플보단 기혼일때
무조건 크기보단
촉감을 우선으로”

가 수술 만족도가
높을 확률이 높다!

남자들 원글러 말대로
“티나네 / 촉감이 별로네 / 저렇게 크게 수술했으니 아무래도 뭔가 인식이 좀 센 여자같다“

이런말 상처될까봐
앞에선 절~~~~~대 안해

조금 오픈마인드거나 열린 남자들은
너무 촉감 티나지 않으면
수술 여부 신경 안 쓰는 경우도 많은데

좀 순둥..하고 속된말로
나이에 비해서 아다스러운 남자들ㅋㅋㅋ은
겉으론 티 안내도
속으로 결혼상대로는 아니다 제끼는 경우 무조건 많다고 본다...
*근데 문제는 이런 남자들이 능력있거나 결혼하기 좋은 남자인 경우가 많음

(참한 여자들이
코수술 한 남자
앗 뭔가 나랑은 결이 다를거같아
하고 티안나게 제끼는 그런 느낌)

그래도 무엇보다 내 만족이 최고니까
에이 조까 나 하고픈게 최고야
하는 마인드면
싱글일때건 언제건 그냥 하는게 최고긴해...!
23-11-08 07:35
[CODE : 55C5D]
[@] 웅웅 내가 가슴 수술에 대해서 본 글중
가장 근접하게 통찰력있는 글이었어

(슴 수술에 대해 남초 사이트+주변 남자등 위주로 5년 넘게 분석함)

어디가서 말은 못하지만 우리엄마 68년생인데
가슴수술 모티바 1세대임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅋㅋ 수술하고 살찌셔서 촉감 자체는 자연스럽지만
울엄마도 아빠 오지게 설득해서 당시 천만원 주고 함

(20년 넘게 전에 수술한건데 천만원이면..)

여튼 글 잘봤어 ㄹㅇ

23-11-08 12:04
[CODE : 312AB]
이런글 진짜 찐도움됨ㅜㅜㅜ고마워 근데지금은 남자시선보다는 내마음이 너무 하고싶다로 기울어져있어서 아무튼 하게될듯ㅋㅋ큐ㅠ
23-11-08 03:03
[CODE : 31245]
나도 했는데 완전 공감ㅋㅋㅋㅋ친구들더 물어보면 자연이랑 같을수가 없다거 말할정도ㅜㅜㅜ이미해서 어쩔 수 없지만 다들 많이 생각해보고 하길...
23-11-08 10:20
[CODE : 4E9C5]
무슨 글이었어 ㅠㅠ??? 너무 궁금해 비댓으로 달아줄수없을까?
23-11-08 22:50
[CODE : DF59A]
뭐야 ㅋㅋㅋ 나도 무슨 글이었는지 궁금하당
23-11-13 00:01
[CODE : 467E3]
앗 무슨글이였는지 너무 궁금하다!
23-11-14 22:11
[CODE : 2EA1B]
23-11-16 19:22
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