Job Review
[코성형] I made my first move and put down a deposit.
작성 23.09.11 22:58:34 조회 813
I had a nose consultation today and even paid a deposit.
 I felt good because the tiki-taka went well with the director and the manager during the consultation. I made a reservation right away, so I'll write a post.
I tried a total of 3 places, but usually I go to 3-4 places and the hospital takes care of it. Everything they say is almost the same, right? (Surgical method, materials, etc.)
 Except for nose reduction, all three hospitals had different things to say.
1. ㅇㅍ (ㅜㅓㄴ ㅣㄱ) - Director Oh ㅈㅇ,
 this is the first place I went to, and
 since I have an open nose, I used an open nasal septum and silicone and donated it. They said they would also use the ribs . This was my first consultation for nose reduction, osteotomy, and nasolabial angle.
 Is my nose ready for such a major surgery? The total cost was 5.39 million won, but they said they would discount it to 3.23 million won if you write a partially public review. The reason
 I didn't choose this hospital was that during the consultation, they asked if I had a picture of the nose I wanted, and the nose they showed me was Oh Yeon-seo's nose, but I wanted to copy Oh Yeon-seo's nose from mine. It felt like the treatment was a bit excessive. From then on, I ended up holding up my nose in a photo of an ordinary person when I went to the consultation. Also, it was my first time, but I was a little concerned about using costal cartilage. Anyway, for this reason, I passed this place
. ㅇㅇㅇ(ㅠ ㅜㅓㄴ ㅣㄹ)
 First of all , The consultation took a really long time, over 30 minutes... The director also said that the director consulted for a really long time. As
 everyone knows, the director pursues extreme naturalness and safety, so he suggested using silicone, nasal septum, and ear cartilage. He also suggested reducing the bridge of the nose. He gave me a very honest consultation. Even after rhinoplasty on my nose, I had no choice but to take into account the parts that needed to be improved. And as I saw in other reviews, the consultation was really like taking a class haha. I am really satisfied and from then on. I thought that looking natural was more important than looking flashy, and that it would be nice to have harmony with my face.
 However, the reason I didn't choose this hospital was because of the cost.
 They said 540 on the first call. It was a little burdensome, so I worried and went to another hospital for consultation.
3. 431 - Haha, the director
 , and this is the place where I received a consultation and paid a deposit today!
 At this place, they took a 3D CT scan and did various other things, but
 the nose line was pretty now, so they said let's save this line. So, they treated me with silicone (2 - 2.5mm) + ear cartilage + nostril reduction. First of all,
 I was a little surprised to hear that they didn't use a septum. I thought the surgery would always involve using the septum. When I asked about it, he confidently told me that he could make the tip of the nose with ear cartilage without using the septum. When I was having a consultation, a director on YouTube said that touching the septum is really dangerous. It always came to my mind, but when I was about to give up on having to use a nasal septum, I suddenly heard that it could be done with just ear cartilage, so I was so excited that I immediately made a reservation. Of course, the director and manager gave me good advice, and I felt good about it, so I did it. Also, here it is 430.
As I was about to leave, a thought occurred to me and I looked up the 431 website and it said that the main doctor would provide treatment and surgery for the first nose. But the doctor who consulted with me was very young, and when I got home and tried to look up the doctor's review, I found it on the plastic surgery app. It didn't appear at all and there were no reviews at Seongyesa. I guess it's probably been a while since you came here. Also, when setting the price, you said there would be a discount as far as Chairman Ha, is that okay?
 And I felt good about not having to use my septum, but could I suddenly have a technical problem? I thought about it, but
as everyone does, I also want to complete the surgery on the first try, and what I'm most worried about is the inflammation problem. He said he would tell me by the 20th and if he says no, he would give me a full refund. Will the surgical method and the director I chose at this hospital be okay?
 Please let me know your opinions.
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