It's been a little over two months since I had an eyelid. Is it okay to get a contour consultation? I just wanted to get a consultation first, so I looked at it like this. Is there a place to skip it? Also, it seems like there are places that charge a consultation fee for things like taking pictures when you get a contour consultation. Does the hospital I looked into have a consultation fee?
select a.*, b.bo_subject, b.bo_mobile_subject from mw_united_search a, g5_board b where a.bo_table = b.bo_table and ( a.bo_table = 'b01' or a.bo_table = 'd03' or a.bo_table = 'd04' or a.bo_table = 'dolchulafter' or a.bo_table = 'breastpic' or a.bo_table = 'b08after' or a.bo_table = 'petitphoto' ) order by a.wr_datetime desc limit 0, 15
1054 : Unknown column 'wr_is_comment' in 'where clause'