Job Review
[코성형] Nose stitches + splint removal~
작성 23.07.31 09:22:04 조회 1,807
I did it at ㅋㅂㅈ and
 felt that the information here was lacking compared to other hospitals, and
 I hope that it was of some help
 to people like me who are curious about this hospital and are searching for it or
 to those who are interested in rhinoplasty.
 I also wrote a review of the hospital consultation ~ surgery for my records. I wrote a review without the cotton,
 and now I'm going to write a review with the stitches + splint removed! Haha,
 let me give you a quick summary)
 -Nose line (correction of uneven steps)
 -Lowering the
 columella -Tieing the cartilage at the tip of the nose (tip of the nose? to make it smaller)
 -Do not do the tip of the nose
 -Crooked nose (nasal septum)
 -Applying functional cost
 -3 consultation hospitals Of the reservations, I only received consultations for 2 places
 - ㅋㅂㅈ was my favorite so I decided to go here
 - Received a discount for same-day reservations (I don't like floating prices, events, review discounts, etc.,
  but I was glad they didn't have them)
 - The hospital had a white feel, was clean, and was friendly. It was good
 - I
   had to visit the hospital once for a CT scan, blood draw, and nasal endoscopy before the surgery, but I did it all that day and went home
 - On the day of the surgery, I washed my face, had an electrocardiogram, did a taste and smell test, what to write, listened to the explanation, consulted with the director one more time, and then had the surgery. I met the director in the room and started the surgery (I was anesthetized)
 - There wasn't much swelling, bruising, or bleeding during the surgery, and there was no pain
 - My mouth was dry when I slept
 - I felt like I was living a normal life, but I had a runny nose and stuffy nose, but it wasn't that bad
 ———— ————————-
 *Assuming it is the 1st day based on the day of surgery,
 Day 1 - The day of surgery
 Day 2 - Remove cotton, remove ear mats (attach band?)
 Day 3 - Start applying nose ointment every day
 ~~ ~~~~
 Day 7 - Stitch removal, splint removal
 Day 8 - Ointment for nose only~~~~ (I put something on my ears)
 Waiting to go to the hospital again!
 I arrived earlier than my appointment time at the hospital that day,
 so I had to wait a bit, but it seemed to be done faster than the appointment time.
 I received a swelling laser and
 finally had the splint removed, but maybe because I have oily skin
 , it was too difficult to remove. It went smoothly! It didn't hurt at all
 haha, which is an advantage in times like this haha,,
 *Before removing the cotton splint , I was worried
 because it seemed like my nostrils were flat,
 but after removing the splint, I was relieved that it was fine. The stitches were really really shaking,
 but it didn't hurt at all!!
 Since I was so nervous, he also gave me a doll haha.
 I was so grateful
 because I could feel that he was trying to hug me
 very carefully and delicately, one stitch at a time
 !! Other than splints and flesh removal,
 they did something to my nose and my nose,
 looked in the mirror, talked about my nose,
 looked at nasal endoscopy pictures,
 and listened to explanations!!!
 And now,
 I'm applying nose ointment until I go to the next hospital, and
 I'm not touching my ears.
 They told me to dry them well when I wash them.
 And that day, I received Aqua Splints.
 Is it safe for my nose to wear them when I sleep or wear glasses?
 The problem is that I was told to wear them most of the time since I was asked to wear them
 Glasses are much more comfortable than contact lenses at home... .!
 And the current problem is that
 I didn't have the nose bridge reduced, but
 should I have done it? I was both curious and
 dull and didn't even know that my nose was crooked. Then,
 my boyfriend noticed that my nose was crooked!
 After surgery, I keep seeing a crooked nose!
 It's not that bad, I think it's because I keep watching it!!
 I was wondering if it was because of the swelling, so I was going to wait and see
 . It's surprising that he did this after originally not being interested in it.
 Usually, I wear aqua water, but when I take it off,
 I sit in front of the mirror for a while and look at my nose.
 Also, the most difficult thing right now is that
 my posture is so uncomfortable when I lie down that
 I can't lie on my side. It's hell,,,!
 I hate the fact that it gets stuffy and has a runny nose...
 And I can't wear glasses without Aqua.
 It's uncomfortable when I wash it
 . It's uncomfortable when
 I smile . The feeling of my upper gums and upper lip being swollen
 has improved a lot.
 I used to have a huge nose, but
 it's so uncomfortable because I have to be careful with my nose. I feel like I'm suddenly regretting the nose surgery,,
 since I've already done it, time is the answer.
 Let's get better quickly after doing it~~~~
 current level of satisfaction with the nose is
 that the bumpy nose line is gone, and
 the tip of the nose is smaller than its original size.

You just did exactly what you said and
 it seemed like a really natural place!
It’s been a month already!!!
 I also want to see the swelling go down,
 so wouldn’t it be okay to lie on my side at this point,,ㅠㅠ?!
I guess I should write this review by now!!
[CODE : 33BE5]
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