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[성형수다] Profit earned by a privately operated facial contouring hospital
작성 23.03.29 17:26:44 조회 819
If a hospital opened under an individual's name performs an average of 5 surgeries per month for facial contouring, the total sales for one year (minimum standard) and net profit for one year (minimum standard)
 exceed the minimum standards, the sales will be enormous..
Facial Contouring 3 Type 10 million won, Type 2 7 million won, Type 1 3.5 million won.
Under the assumption that facial contour types 1, 2, and 3 are randomly mixed ~
3 types (2 cases) + 2 types (5 cases) + 1 type (6 cases)
 = 2000 10,000 won + 35 million won + 21 million won
 January sales 76 million won
3 types (3 cases) + 2 types (5 cases)
 = 30 million won + 17.5 million won
 February sales 47.5 million won
3 types (1 case) + 2 types (1 case) + Type 1 (3 cases)
 = 10 million won + 7 million won + 10.5 million won
 March sales 27.5 million
Type 2 (3 cases) + Type 1 (2 cases)
 10.5 million won + 3.5 million won
 April sales 14 million won
Type 1 (6 cases)
 = 21 million won
 May sales 21 million won
3 types (1 case) + 2 types (2 cases) + 1 type (2 cases)
 = 10 million won + 14 million won + 3.5 million won
 June sales 27.5 million won
3 types (2 cases) + 2 types (3 cases)
 = 20 million won + 21 million won
 July sales 41 million won
3 types (4 cases) + 2 types (2 cases)
 = 40 million won + 14 million won
 August. Sales 54 million won
3 types (1 case) + 2 types ( 2 cases)
 = 10 million won + 14 million won
 September sales 24 million won
 2 types (3 cases) + 1 type (4 cases)
 21 million won + 14 million won
 October sales 35 million won
3 types (1 case) + 2 types (2 cases) + Type 1 (2 cases)
 = KRW 10 million + KRW 14 million + KRW 3.5 million
 November sales KRW 27.5 million KRW
3 types (2 cases) + Type 2 (6 cases) + Type 1 (3 cases)
 = KRW 20 million + KRW 42 million + KRW 10.5 million
 December sales: KRW 72.5 million
Paid after-care (laser, radiofrequency, central therapy, etc.)
 One month of free after-care. After the end of the paid after-care, paid after-care is KRW 200,000 (
 per case). If you perform an average of 5 surgeries per month (5 cases), it lasts for 1 month. There are 5 people who need follow-up care. However, some out of 5 people may not choose follow-up care. Assuming that out of 5 people, there are 3 who want costly after-care,
 200,000 won ( per
 paid after-care)
 74.7 million won
 **Labor costs, monthly rent, electricity bill**
 1 manager
 3.5 million won * 12 months = annual salary 42 million won
 2 nurses (day and night)
 2.5 million won per day * 12 months = annual salary 30 million won
 per night 3 million won * 12 months = annual salary 36 million won 10,000 Won
 Post-contour follow-up care skin therapist 3
 million Won * 12 months = annual salary 36 million Won
 2 information desk counters
 2.5 million Won * 12 months * 2 people = 60 million Won
 Annual salary per person 30 million Won
 1 permanent anesthesiologist
 4 million Won * 12 months = Annual salary of 48 million won,
 2 on-site anesthesia assistants,
 300,000 won per day per surgery * 5 surgeries per month on average * 2 people * 12 months = 36 million won,
 amount received per person 18 million won (per year) Monthly rent for a building in Gangnam area (1 year )
 Use of a two-story building, monthly rent per floor: KRW 4 million; 1st floor
 is information desk, consultation room;
 2nd floor is operating room, hospitalization room;
 KRW 4 million per month * 2nd floor * 12 months = KRW 96 million (1 year);
 electricity bill (heating, cooling, electricity) (Based on 1 year
 won − 96 million (monthly rent * 12 months) − 30 million (total electricity bill for one year) = 60.7 million won (net profit), the money the director takes is 60.7 million won.
It is said that in Gangnam, there is actually a lot more net profit left over from monthly rent.
They say that because of the high monthly rent in Gangnam, they take out debt to buy the entire building or find a building with low monthly rent to open a hospital.
 Due to the nature of plastic surgery, it has to maintain its status as a plastic surgery surgery to attract patients, so it has no choice but to open in Gangnam, where monthly rent is high.
[CODE : 2780B]
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