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[코성형] Ha... please don't reduce the nose bridge.
작성 23.02.27 00:42:34 조회 17,029
The title has a slightly aggressive element to it.
 I am not saying that you should not undergo the nose reduction surgery itself.
 It is a title written to encourage you to carefully judge whether you are a suitable case and make a careful decision.
There has been a best post before about not having nose reduction surgery, but it is still the case that you should not have nose reduction surgery. Should people who fall into this very small axis also need to have their nose bridge reduced? I feel so sorry for you posting this. Think about this first before getting a nostril reduction.
1. Do you really have “objective” large nostrils?
 Your nostrils look really big and ugly. + The size is really big enough to fit your thumb (I'm not saying you should do everything if your thumb fits). If it's not like this, don't do it. In fact, your nostrils may not be large. In fact, there is a greater chance that that is the case. Should I have my nose bridge reduced? If you look at the nostrils of those who ask, 7 or 8 out of 10 are of a size that does not require surgery. This is most likely a problem with the "nose" rather than a problem with the nostrils. Since the bridge of the nose looks fat, the nostrils may look big for no reason. Instead of nose reduction, if the tip of the nose is raised through rhinoplasty, the nostril may also go up, making the nostril smaller. The reason why 11-shaped nostrils appear is because the tip of the nose is raised too much. Also, do your nostrils get bigger and bigger when you smile? It's natural. It will still be visible even after surgery. If you are still dissatisfied with the size of your nostrils even after performing nose tip and bridge surgery first, it seems right to have the surgery. After that, there
are side effects.
 2. I have small nostrils and would like to change the nostril design rather than the nostril size.
 It is impossible. Since the name of the surgery is nostril reduction, the nostrils are bound to become smaller after the surgery. Do you just change the design by making internal/external incisions for those small nostrils? It is impossible.. When performing alar reduction surgery, the entire nostril next to the bottom of the nose is not removed and moved. Only about 1/2 of the nostril is removed and then sutured again. So, there are limits to the shapes that can be created. Those who want to change the nostril design may want to reduce the nostrils because their nostrils are too high or too high, but this cannot be solved with nostril reduction. You have to lower the tip of the nose or touch the columella to see the effect. If you still say you will do it, you will definitely face side effects number 3 below.

3. If the nostrils have become abnormally sized after surgery.
 If the nostrils have become too small due to nostril reduction surgery, the nostrils themselves are so small that the amount of air entering the inside is reduced, making it difficult to breathe. YouTuber You are also experiencing the same side effects. So, I am one of those people who say that you should never have a nose reduction. In this case, reoperation is not possible for 4 reasons.
4. Nose cheek reduction cannot be restored.
Because the inner and outer flesh is removed, restoration is not possible even if I want to enlarge my nostrils. Also, I only wanted to change the nostril design, but the size was also reduced. In this case, restoration is also not possible. So, nose reduction is a very simple surgery, but the biggest drawback is that restoration is impossible.

Once you're dissatisfied with your face, it just keeps looking bad no matter what anyone says. But now, from the moment you read this article, take another look at it objectively. Are your nose bridges really that big? Please make a reasonable judgment as to whether the problem is the bridge of your nose or the blunt bridge of your nose by comparing the distance between your eyes and the size of your nose. Do not follow everything recommended by the hospital.
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