When it comes to sausage eye revision surgery, there's a lot of YouTube content from plastic surgeons, right? There, I went to a doctor who looked very lithe and gentle and had re-operation, but I can't say anything haha. I have sausage eyes and even steps above and below the incision line. When I went to see the progress at 3 months, I had a step scar. I was wondering if the fixation was too strong. When I asked him, he said he was in a really bad mood haha. He kept speaking informally to me haha. Every time I went, he said it would swell. Even the real manager forced me to pay the reservation fee and said he didn't know about me after the surgery. Anyway, I think the answer is not to blindly trust things like YouTube and try to sell a lot of products yourself. I want to turn back time. Really
+ Wow. I was surprised to see so many comments... Please understand that I can't tell you the name of the hospital for fear of causing problems later. ㅠ It's not ㅁㅊㅍ or ㄱㄴ, which are the most frequently asked questions . I hope other hospitals don't misunderstand.. Still, I'm surprised that there are quite a few people who answered anonymously. Oh, and there are plastic surgery apps that include YouTube. Don't believe it. Just haha. I think they are all brokers. I think ㅇㅇ The current state of my eyes.. Literally, only the line has been lowered and the sausages are still the same. When I said that the sausages were not gone, the director said that if I lowered the line here, I would feel sorry for him. Ugh, no, if I lowered the line, it would be sausages. Yangban Lee said that my eyes will definitely improve haha. Huh... Still, it's only been 3 months, so I'm trying to have hope. I hope the directors make careful decisions and see good results.