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[눈성형] Double eyelid surgery review and concerns about choosing a hospital....ㅜㅠ
작성 21.08.27 17:49:50 조회 2,411
I posted this on other cafes, but I want to hear as many opinions as possible before making a decision....!!

1. ㄴㅅㅎ
First of all, I went in for the first consultation and was able to receive the consultation right away without waiting. The consulting director asked me what kind of eyes I wanted, the general line, and if I wanted a trim, etc. After waiting for about 10 minutes, I had a consultation with the director. Sometimes, if you read reviews, there are comments saying that the director is cold, so I went with that in mind, but I felt his charisma. Then, he looked at my eyes here and there and drew the line, and said that I had a lot of fat in my eyes and my eyes rolled inward, so I couldn't have surgery without an incision, so he said that he would make an incision and remove the fat. And since I have ptosis, he said that I should have an epicanthoplasty to make the double eyelid line not loose along with eye correction, but since my forehead is narrow, I should be prepared for my eyes to look slanted if I get an epicanthoplasty. Because of my eyelash pricking, I only wanted to get double eyelid surgery, but in the end, he recommended an incision + fat removal + epicanthoplasty + eye correction. When I went to another place for consultation before, I heard that they don’t recommend epicanthoplasty because my forehead is wide, so I told them that I didn’t want to get epicanthoplasty, but they said that wasn’t possible and left. After that, I had a consultation with the head of the consultation. It took about 30 minutes in total, including the 10-minute wait in between. There was no deposit required, and there was a small discount for same-day reservations.
 -----> Incision double eyelid surgery + epicanthoplasty + eye correction + fat removal
2. Okay,
I went to Okay, but this place wasn’t on my initial list, and I made a reservation in a hurry because the other place I was going to make a reservation at didn’t have time, so I wanted to go there while I was there. First of all, I went in almost immediately without waiting, and I took pictures for the first time and received a consultation. The head of the consultation asked me briefly what kind of surgery I wanted, such as epicanthoplasty and line. After that, I received a consultation from the director right away. The director looked at my eyes and said that since I had a lot of fat in my eyes, burial surgery was not possible and that incision surgery would be necessary, and that they would remove some fat while making the incision. When I asked if I should also do excision, the director said that skin excision is not absolutely necessary unless it is necessary, and that the director does not prefer it. He also said that it would be good to have an upper eyelid lift, but that I don't have to do it if I don't want it. I heard that I have ptosis, so I asked if I needed eye correction, and while showing me the review photos in a PPT, he said that I don't have ptosis, but that my eyes are drooping because there is a lot of fat in my eyes, so I don't need eye correction and that I just need to do double eyelids with an incision. I was happy that my opinion was well reflected. After that, the consulting director came and discussed the price, and it was a bit expensive for just doing double eyelids. However, there was no pressure to make a deposit or make a reservation.
-----> Incision double eyelid
I found this place after looking up a cafe and heard it was popular. The consultation fee was 10,000 won. Here, too, I had a consultation almost right away without waiting. I consulted with the consulting director first, and when he asked me what kind of surgery I wanted, I said that I wanted double eyelids because my eyebrows were poking my eyes, and then he suddenly looked at my eyes and asked if I didn't care that the corners of my eyes were upturned, so I was a little flustered. So I said I didn't want a double eyelid surgery and just wanted to get double eyelid surgery, so I wrote it down and consulted with the director. The director looked at my eyes and said that I had a lot of fat and that I should get an incision, and that my eyes would look round if I only got double eyelid surgery, so I should get an epitome. So when I told him that I didn't want a epitome, he said that my eyes would look round?? Then he measured the length of my eyes and the distance between my eyebrows with a ruler and said that I shouldn't open my eyes until I saw red, and that opening them halfway from there, about 1.5mm, would look pretty, so he talked about epitome and double eyelid incisions. After that, I asked about eye correction, and he said that since I have a lot of fat in my eyes and the space between my eyes and eyebrows isn't wide, eye correction would make my eyes look more bulgy, so he didn't recommend it. Next, I consulted with the director, and he suddenly told me that I knew that he was good, so he asked me to set the date and time for my eye surgery, and while checking my schedule, he tried to make an appointment, so I told him that I would go to another consultation and come back later. It seemed a bit forced, so I didn't like it
 ----> Incision double eyelid surgery + front incision
4. ㅇㅇㅎ
 This is an eye specialist, and since many people go to a one-person hospital for reoperation, I thought it would be safe and they wouldn't recommend this and that, so I went there. The consultation fee was 10,000 won, and after the consultation with the director, the manager only gave me a price consultation. Since I went at the right time, I was able to go to the director's consultation right away. Of all the hospitals I've been to, they looked at my eye condition and structure the most thoroughly. They kept closing and opening my eyes to draw the line, and I think they drew the line the most out of all the hospitals I've been to. And they meticulously recorded various things while looking at my eye structure. I wanted my eyes to be a little clearer and my eyelashes to be less prickly, and they said that the prickling would be improved if I just got double eyelids. And they said that I could get incisions if I wanted, but they wouldn't recommend it. The line was also natural, so I liked it. So in the end, they only recommended incision double eyelids. It seemed like there was a set price. There were no review discounts or anything like that. I liked the fact that they didn't recommend this and that, but only recommended what I needed, and I trusted them. I also like that there are no additional conditions for writing a review.


I went here because they said there was a specialist in eye surgery and eye specialists. The consultation room director and staff were large and many. There were many people coming out of surgery and customers. I went earlier than the scheduled consultation time, waited a little, and went in for the consultation on time. I had a brief discussion with the consultation room director about what I wanted first, and the consultation room director asked me if I wanted a team, and I said I didn't really want one, and then went in for the consultation with the director. The director said that he does a lot of pack-packing, so I was a little nervous, but he was actually the most generous person I've ever visited. The mirrors and surgical tools were all sterilized and packaged, so I opened them and checked my eyes right away and received a consultation. When I said that I had eyelash sagging, he said that I had to get an epitome to fix it, but that would mean giving up the overall proportions of my face and eyes. He said that if I didn't get an epitome, I could improve it, but I couldn't completely fix it, and that it would be hard to reverse it after getting it done, so he would do the best I could with minimal surgery. That's why he recommended only incision double eyelid surgery here. The consulting manager consulted with me about the cost and said he would give me a discount if I provided photos and wrote a review. There was also a discount for same-day reservations here
 -----> I like ㅇㅋ, ㅇㅇㅎ, and ㄱㄹㅂ for
 double eyelid
 surgery, but ㅇㅋ is a one-person practice and I liked the line in the review, and out of the three, they set the line highest at around 8mm..? The discount for writing a review and the fact that the director's experience is a bit short are a concern, and
 ㅇㅇㅎ is a one-person practice and has a lot of experience, and I liked how they look at my eyes thoroughly and make natural lines, but I was worried because there weren't many reviews,
 and ㄱㄹㅂ is a practice that specializes in eyes and I liked the consultation from the director who is confident in her experience, but the discount for writing a review... Those things were a bit concerning....
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