Job Review
[코성형] Non-prosthetic nose tip, nose tip plastic surgery review (ㅋㄴㅍ,ㅁㅍㄹㅅ,ㅇㅈ,ㅅㅇㅋ,ㅁㅌ,ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ)
작성 21.01.25 19:07:45 조회 5,930
I looked into rhinoplasty without implants because I have a high nose bridge, a blunt nose tip, droopy nostrils, and a sunken columella. They
 say it's not a bulbous nose, and it doesn't look bad at first glance, but when I took a picture and looked at it from the front, my nose looked particularly long and dull, so I started looking into it. I wanted a natural improvement from my current nose, rather than a flashy and pretty shape, so I focused on that when I looked into it.
 Consultation in the order of director > head > director
 Consultation fee: 5,000 won
 Since it was my first time(?), I went without thinking about what to ask and with a light heart, so I couldn't ask properly.
 Originally, I was only thinking about tying the tip of my nose, but since my columella was sunken, they removed the columella and repositioned the tip cartilage to raise the starting point of my nose and
 slightly dug up the nostrils (? I don't know what they mean...) I think they mean lifting the wings of my nose...
 Anyway, I went without really knowing what to ask, so I was a little disappointed, but overall, the atmosphere was friendly and comfortable.
 Cash payment, same-day deposit discount, and since he is an ENT specialist, it seemed like actual cost insurance would apply since he also does functional nose.

 Photo shoot > Director > Manager Consultation
 fee 10,000 won,
 consultation room manager is very kind, but the director is really scary... Before we even started talking, he diagnosed me by looking at the photos and said that I had to do this and that.
 I wanted non-prosthetic implants, but he said that I had to have silicone + septum cartilage on the tip of my nose... It seemed like he was a bit stubborn. After the consultation, I was scolded, and we talked about before and after photos with the director, but when I asked to see before and after photos of a similar case, he stuttered and couldn't find them and showed me the wrong ones. The director was kind, but I didn't like it so I reacted negatively, and there was no demand for a deposit. I felt bad because I paid the consultation fee and felt like I was just being harassed, and I regretted spending the consultation fee.

ㅇㅈ (Apgujeong)
 Director > Manager Consultation
 fee 10,000 won.
 Talk about which part is your concern, take pictures with pads, and do virtual plastic surgery. Maybe it's because it's a hospital that pursues a natural style, or maybe it's because they did virtual plastic surgery with raw pictures taken without preparation... I don't remember what it was like when I did the virtual plastic surgery. Looking at just the nose, it definitely seemed like there would be a natural change, but the pictures came out so funny that I couldn't look at the pads... Anyway, they mentioned things like my crooked nose that other hospitals didn't mention, so I felt a bit more trustworthy, and they kindly answered my questions. They didn't say no unconditionally, but I felt like they would do their best if I told them what I wanted. For the back and bottom slits, they looked at the shape of my eyes and said that they would be effective if I wanted them. The head of the consultation room was a bit blunt... They didn't force me to pay a deposit, and there were almost no price discounts. (Card is the same price as cash) I like some of the before and after photos and think there isn't much change... I liked that the consultation was conducted in a comfortable atmosphere and with kind explanations.

 Photo shoot > Director > Director > Director
 No consultation fee
 . I heard that they are good at nose jobs, so I went with them on a day I was going to MT. I consulted with a different director than the one on the YouTube channel, but she had a similar diagnosis (tip cartilage repositioning + septum use, nose job reduction). When I asked about lifting the nose wings, she said she didn't do that kind of procedure, and the director said she wanted to slightly reduce the nose wings, but the consulting director
 said it wasn't that much, so how about doing the tip of the nose first and then doing the nose wings? If I was only going to do the nose wings, I would have considered it, but it didn't have much impact, so I decided to skip it. Since I only went to private hospitals and there were many directors, the atmosphere was a bit chaotic.. There were also quite a few people waiting.

 Photo shoot > Director > Real-life
 consultation fee 10,000 won
 I was a little nervous because the reviews seemed to be very divided, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Because of Corona, I mainly took pictures and proceeded with the consultation without taking off my mask. When showing an example of the nose shape, I only slightly lowered my nose and made a shape with a cotton swab? It wasn't a bad tone, but it was conservative and said that it couldn't be done, but it wasn't bad. It would be good to lower the nose bridge, support the septum, (Judging from the shape of my nose, the amount of septum is sufficient, so they said that ear cartilage wasn't needed), reposition the cartilage, raise the wings of the nose, and slightly reduce the nostrils. If you use silicone, the range of nose shape can be expanded, but the person wanted a non-prosthesis and said that the nose shape was a bit difficult to operate. When I asked about the back team, they said they don't do the back team procedure. The director is kind of witty and blunt like Kwak Do-won.

 Photography > Director > Director > Director in that order. Consultation
 consultation fee 10,000 won
 . This was the most difficult place to make a reservation among the places I've visited. I inquired about a consultation reservation at the beginning of January and I just went today. I often heard that the director here is scary, so I was nervous when I went, but he was kinder than I thought. And like other people's reviews, I felt like he lowered my expectations a bit. He said that I didn't necessarily need a nose job, and that I had been to many consultations, and that each hospital has different recommendations. He said that he only did the tip of the nose and the wings of the nose without using silicone, so the change wasn't big, and that the nostrils could be seen a bit more when viewed from the front. He said that since the change wouldn't be big, he wasn't sure if I'd be satisfied, and that I should think about it carefully and decide.
Unlike other places, he closely observed the shape of my nose, felt the tip of my nose, and asked what the scar under my nose was (I got hurt when I was young but I don't remember it) that no one else mentioned. He seemed very sharp. He did the septum support and the tip of my nose while removing the septum, and the price was the most expensive.
 When I asked about the back team, he said he doesn't recommend the back team. If you want it, he'll do it, but since it's minimal, there won't be a big change...ㅠㅠ He
 pursues naturalness and is a person who has a clear opinion, so he kept emphasizing that the effect won't be big (I also want natural and subtle changes), but I was a little confused because I didn't know how much of an effect it would be. The director has a nice, well-grown chin. When he explains something, he asks questions like a professor or a school teacher... That's how he does it.

I made a consultation appointment for ㄱㅇㅈ, but there's still a long time left... (mid-February) I think I'll get the surgery among the places I've been to before then.
The order of the estimates
 was ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ>ㅁㅌ>ㅇㅈ>ㅁㅍㄹㅅ>ㅋㄴㅍ>ㅅㅇㅋ.
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