Job Review
[체형바디성형] A review of various diaphragms conducted over a period of 5 years.
작성 17.05.28 16:22:33 조회 6,824
1. Thighs
 The first thighs I did. At that time, I was a student and had no money, so I worked part-time every day for three months and managed to get surgery at a famous place in Sinchon. I heard that I lost about 4,000, which
 decreased from 54 to 48. The effect was amazing.
 It was my first time doing liposuction and it opened my eyes to a new world.
 I didn't know it at first because I was young, but I gradually became aware of the side effects
 and my butt sagging. In those days, I didn't have any buttocks, and
 it was almost as big as my thighs or around my thighs and knees,
 so I didn't touch my butt. So, the thighs under the buttocks are excessively reduced and saggy, wrinkles on the buttocks deepen, and banana wrinkles appear. I became thinner, but I had to cover my butt. And I can't wear hot pants. Because I can see the lowered buttocks. Despite these side effects, I sometimes heard that my legs were pretty even though my calves were chubby.  

 It must have been done shortly after doing the calf and thigh.
I was greedy because my thighs were getting thinner, so I did it
 while I was at work, but I thought liposuction would be all over the place, so I was desperate to find a cheap place, so I paid 180 won at Daehakro. My dialysis is 80, but they tried to trick me by saying that I would have to have nerve block surgery to see any results. In the end, it was expensive and it wasn't effective. I couldn't see it at all. Leaves only scars.
Originally, calf breathing was difficult for even a skilled doctor to do. Most people are reluctant to have calf liposuction because the amount of fat itself is small, there is a lot of structure, and the scars should not be noticeable
  . People who want to have calf liposuction should only do it on the soft, fat-type calves of those over severe obesity.
The scars were applied to both sides of the outside of the calf, and there were some dents around the scars.

3. Mini lower abdomen
  Since I was young, I have always had a protruding lower abdomen, so I have been secretly stressed. Maybe it's because I'm constipated, but
 I only inhale the lower abdomen with a mini. It's a hospital near Anyang, and I remember it being around 1 million won.
It was simple. The most uncomfortable suction surgery.
Since it's a mini compression garment, I wore it for two days and didn't feel any discomfort at all other than something I was craving.
It has been effective and now I have a full stomach after defecating.

4.Forearm. People say my
 bra line
 is okay, but I 'm so annoyed by the fat that protrudes from the back when I fold my arms. Of course, the suction on my lower abdomen was so simple that I had the surgery, but in the middle of summer, I suddenly felt hotter because of my forearms, so I went ahead and made an appointment and had the surgery. .
That plastic surgery clinic in Anyang. I think it was about 150.
  In conclusion, the effect is good and I am very satisfied.
 The scar is a bit sticky and noticeable, but
 the bulge is gone, so my breasts look bigger... However, it was the most difficult surgery so far, and since it is done
 in the summer, I will be behind in wearing compression garments.
 For a week, it was difficult to raise my arms and it was difficult to take off and put on clothes. I couldn't shower, so I only got wet up to the bottom of my chest... On the day of the surgery, I
 went home with a bandage on, but I couldn't do anything because my arm was wrapped up. I was just lying down in that heat ㅡㅡ It's scary to think about it again. Make sure to take a three-day vacation while your forearms are cool.

 I went for surgery on my buttocks, which had sagging and two wrinkles as a side effect of my first aspiration. Clinic in Yeoksam.
In fact, I
 'm not the type to be sensitive and obsessively research things, so even if a problem arises, I just brush it off... They say I have a bit of a dull personality
 . The counseling center is focused on this. The counseling director says there will be improvement, but uneven spots are unavoidable and he is not sure about wrinkles.
ㅇㅋ I asked to reduce the size of my buttocks, so
 I had surgery and had a hole made at the starting point of my hip bone
 . What used to be two wrinkles were merged into one.
The hips are also slightly smaller. 
But it's still big compared to my body and the wrinkles are so deep that it looks saggy. 
 I'm planning to go to an expensive place and get the last revision surgery within this year. If necessary, I would like to improve it by adding fat back to the buttocks. Because of this, I can't wear a bikini; Of course, there was no compression garment and the surgery itself was not difficult at all, but
 suction doctors commonly say that the buttocks are God's domain.
This is a very difficult place to touch. If you lose a little, there's a problem. If
 you lose a lot, there's a problem. The shape and proportions of the buttocks completely change depending on the doctor... I didn't think much of it when I was young. As you get older, if you have an ugly butt, there are many restrictions on what you can wear. phew . I have to do better this time.

 A warm review on the cheeks and under the chin that has only been used for a month.
Not only is my face round, but more than anything,
 I have saggy cheeks next to my lips like a grumpy girl, so
 I always have to correct the sagging skin when I take pictures.
Because of that, I went to a consultation and was told that it would be more effective
 if I did the treatment under the chin as well,
 so I did the same. It was a clinic in Apgujeong and the cost was 150,
 so far I am satisfied.
Of course, it's not a drastic change because I didn't originally have a lot of fat or a severe double chin, but
 the saggy skin disappeared and the area under my chin looked plump when viewed from the side, but that has disappeared. Of course , the swelling under my chin hasn't gone away
 so I'm looking forward to more.Others may not know, but I am satisfied.
But I was greedy and wanted to get a cheekbone too
 , but I regretted it. After all,
 suction is the best way to see results. I tried contouring injections because of this, but it didn't work at all.

I've been using it all the time, but I've done a lot...
 The money I've spent so far has passed me by like a flash,
 and there have been times when my pain and effort have been in vain
 . I'm satisfied and living with my current state, but
 it's an unavoidable fact that there are quite a lot of side effects. I also don't have serious side effects such as
 skin dents, bumps, or severe sagging, but my
  elasticity has really decreased compared to before, and
 no liposuction method can completely remove the fat evenly and satisfactorily
 . There's bound to be fat left somewhere. However, the reason I am writing this article is
 to encourage everyone who is thinking about liposuction
 to do it if they want to become slim despite all the side effects. The effects are immediately visible.
 That's why I did it 6 times.
If you want to spend money on any other procedure,
 do suction instead of stress.
Don't waste your time
 on things like carboxylic acid, injections, and other treatments
 . Instead , choose a suction specialty hospital led by a representative director who has
 performed surgery for more than 10 years, rather than a large hospital.
 Be suspicious if the price is too cheap . Be careful of hospitals that focus on marketing such as frequent events. Regardless of the treatment method, vibration method, or melting with a laser, the traditional method of doing it by hand is still the most effective. Please take note and I hope you all become pretty..
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