Job Review
[성형수다] A review of a family suffering from depression due to plastic surgery.
작성 16.09.07 01:35:46 조회 1,354
I haven't personally experienced it..
 It's not like it was something as extreme as what I saw at Sungye Temple.. But
 I'm writing this because I think it might be helpful ㅎㅎ
 My little brother kept declaring at home whether he would get plastic surgery or not, and then
 he said
 he didn't like his eyes so much that he was going
 to look for a plastic surgery clinic
 . At first, I told him not to do it, saying that he would end up like Sunggoe
 . Then he said that he didn't need to get a lot done, and that the reason his eyes looked stuffy was because of the Mongolian fold, and
 that it would be okay if only that was removed,
 so he said that he would just do that. So I told him to go ahead and do it then and left.
 The next day, he looked at two hospitals in the neighborhood and said that they seemed okay and signed a contract right away. He got the surgery 3-4 days later ㅋㅋ
 Even so, he only had an epicanthoplasty... How could he look so pretty with the incisions made?
 As soon as he got home, he looked in the mirror and said, "It looks okay," or "It's weird." He repeated these words dozens of times a day. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
 Since I'd only seen his little brother with Mongolian folds, when I asked him how he was, he just said, "I don't know yet."
 He repeated that for about 4 days, and when the swelling went down a bit,
 he became convinced that his eyes were ruined and
 cried the whole time. He
 said he was ruined and
 was going to get another surgery, so he searched for another surgery hospital on a plastic surgery cafe and it was a mess. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
 After that, he got the stitches out and the scar got better. After
 a month or so? He went to see a friend?!
 But that friend is the kind of person who thinks nothing and is direct.
 He said that his little brother was weird and he looked like he was ruined.
 She kept crying at home ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 My child was so stressed out that she couldn't eat properly, and
 that's when she hit her lowest(?) weight ever.
 Her parents paid for her first epicanthoplasty,
 but the second surgery wasn't cheap, so
 she took a leave of absence from school to work and earn her own money...
 I think the new person didn't know that her younger sibling had the surgery. She
 had already gotten the epicanthoplasty to get rid of her Mongolian folds,
 but her coworker
 said, "You need to get rid of your Mongolian folds, too." ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 As time passed, it gradually healed and
 settled in. ㅋㅋ I
 guess it was because I kept seeing it, but
 now she said it looks much better after the surgery
 . ㅋㅋㅋ Since her younger sibling is getting better,
 she said
 that she thinks it's better for her to have the surgery too. She 's satisfied with the shape, but
 there were some side effects.
 The doctor mentioned this when my younger sibling went to the hospital, saying
 that if you only get the epicanthoplasty, your eyes will look cross-eyed. But if you don't wear makeup, your eyes look cross-eyed
 I didn't know before, but it feels a bit hollow and you're a bit squinty????? I felt that way...
 My sister is good at makeup.. When she puts on eye makeup and circle lenses, she looks pretty without that feeling ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 After she got the surgery (when she put on makeup!!!!), she got dashes from guys.
 Oh! Side effects? I don't know if I should call it that, but there was a lump of inflammation under her eye?? There was a grainy feeling on the side where the incision was made..
 After that, I just went to a dermatologist near my house and had it removed, but it still felt a little bulgy.
 In the end, it wasn't a big problem, but she
 said that if she could go back in time, she would never get the surgery..
 She said that the side effects of surgery are so many..
 When I said I was going to get a nose job for my face,
 she told me not to, asking why I was doing it.. It's
 her choice..
 I hope the surgery goes well, but
 I think it really depends on how fast your body recovers and how mentally prepared you are..
 I definitely don't think you should do it impulsively ㅋㅋㅋ
 When I look at it from the side.. ㅋㅋㅋ
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