Job Review
[안면윤곽지방] This is a review of facial contouring.
작성 17.11.09 18:23:50 조회 2,021
1. ㅂㄴㅂㄱ
 This is the hospital I first looked into when I was interested in facial contouring. However,
 since I didn't know the most information, I didn't even know the details of the consultation or asked
 any questions. It was featured on a TV program in the past as a hospital that provided support, so I feel like I should say it is trustworthy. I went there after hearing about this.
 I made an appointment for a consultation with the director there. I had a CT scan and first consulted with the director.
 The counseling director here was very kind. So, I did it with a relaxed mind, as if I was consulting with a friend I knew. I was very nervous, but
 after looking at my entire face and listening to my story, she said that it would be good to have surgery to make a long curved square jaw.
 Then, she said that there are 45-degree cheekbones and that it would be okay not to do this
 . Afterwards, I met with the representative director and consulted with him. As soon as he saw me, he said that my face would benefit greatly if I just improved my square jaw, and that there was no need to touch the rest.
 I was told that the surgical method would be a long curve and that the front chin would not need to be done. He also said that if I had surgery, I would be hospitalized for a day and the incision area inside my mouth would be sore. I don't know about follow-up care because I didn't ask about it.
 As expected, the cost was expensive because it was done by the main director. However, after going to other places for consultations, it seems like they all do the same thing.
2. ㄱㄹㅎ
 This is a plastic surgery clinic that I went to after looking around a little more.
 The reviews here are also good. 20 years accident-free? It was famous for this, so I went looking for it because it was trustworthy.
 What I liked about the system here was that I only had surgeries in the morning and consultations in the afternoon, so I didn't have to wait for a long time.
 Also, at other places, I consult with the director first and then meet with the director later, but
 here, they let me meet with the director directly first. That's why CT I was taken aback by the fact that the counseling director guided me right away after taking the picture, but the representative director was there;;; And as I heard from the director here, he was very direct and his tone of speaking was crude,
 but it was okay because there was no embellishment. Well, I don't know if I went there without knowing much about ㅂㄴㅂㄱ, but he didn't tell me when he showed me my CT picture, but here, he showed me the CT picture and told me about the position of my nerve line and how to improve it. He showed me on the computer how much of the hair can be shaved off. He also said that it would not be effective to have a clown in this place, so he didn't have to do it and only recommended a square jaw.
 When doing a square jaw, they said that this would require a long curve + front jaw osteotomy + forward advancement of about 3-5 mm.
 I didn't even think about the front jaw, so it was a bit like that ㅜㅜ The front jaw has big side effects and is it fixed with screws? I heard that I had to do something like this, so I wasn't very concerned, and they said that I would be discharged right away without having to stay in the hospital for a day without having to worry about pain after the surgery. They also said that post-surgery care would be provided unlimitedly for as long as I wanted.
 The consultation was very long, but the director told me more things than I asked, so it felt like I was listening to a lecture. It lasted for about 30 minutes, but the problem is that I don't remember everything. Anyway, the conclusion is, let's get a square jaw and a front chin!!! It was.
 After that, I discussed the price and the rest of my inquiries with the counseling director. The counseling director here is an angel!! He was really kind and better than ㅂㄴㅂㄱ ㅜㅜ It almost felt like I wanted to be friends with him in real life haha. He told me about my face shape and even talked about personal things, so it ended up being just a conversation rather than a consultation about plastic surgery. The cost is really expensive here too. I recommend 2 types. Since you did it, it is inevitable that it will cost more.
3. ㄱㄹ
 I visited this place because it is also famous for facial contouring.
 It was the smallest of the three hospitals.
 After getting the CT scan, I first consulted with the director of counseling. Perhaps because I went to this place after visiting the two above, I was a bit scared by the director's force. I was a bit nervous, but compared to the two above. It had a really strong business feel. But that doesn’t mean it’s unfriendly!! It's a relative feeling. I remember a lot because it was the most recent consultation.
 Here, they explained the two representative pushing surgery methods, the long curve and the T-section method. The consultation director said that my front chin was not very long and that it would be improved if I just had a long curve. He recommended chin surgery and said there was no need for clown surgery.
 What was interesting about this place was that they asked me what kind of celebrity face shape I wanted to have, so I told them that it was Red Velvet's Joy, whom I always thought had a pretty face, and they used the computer that showed my CT photos to search for Joy's photos on Naver and looked at them. I wrote down Red Velvet Joy on the medical certificate and consulted with the director.
 He also explained New V's long curve, checked both my nerve line and the nerve lines passing next to it, and recommended that I do the long curve, saying it would really improve things, and that I didn't have to do the front chin. He said that if he had a face that he couldn't do, he wouldn't be able to do it, and he confidently said that it wouldn't be a problem to do it with my face. He also said that he would look at Joy's photo to see if I wanted to have this natural face shape, and that he would use it as a reference when doing surgery. I was told that the inside of my mouth would be sore and that I would have to stay in the hospital for one day, and that they would provide me with up to 3 high-frequency treatments.
 I asked about the swelling after the surgery, and they said that the swelling would peak on the 3rd day and go down a lot after a week, and that the long curve surgery method itself is a way to minimize swelling, so it would be really minimal. After 1 week and 2 weeks, the swelling was as much as my current face shape. I said it was about, and actually I
 When I went there, one of the two employees at the information desk said it had been two weeks since I had square jaw surgery, so I was really surprised. I had no idea, so I was confident there wouldn’t be that much swelling!!!
  I was going to ask about the side effects, but I forgot and couldn't ask. I'm really sorry. I did a lot of research before going, so I thought I should ask about this and that before I went, but I was really frustrated that they forgot it as soon as I went into the counseling room.
 When talking about the cost with the counseling director. It was the same price as ㅂㄴㅂㄱ, but they said they would give me a discount, so I reduced it by 500,000 won. But the condition is that you pay the deposit on the same day you receive the consultation. So, for now, I put down the deposit here. But I'm a little anxious. I regret it, and it's not something I have to do for sure yet, but I paid it willingly... And later, if I change my mind and want the deposit back. I'm worried that I might not be able to get it because even if I have surgery, I'm planning to have it early next year and I'm not sure about this, so I said from the consultation that I don't know when I'll set a date, so I only paid the deposit without setting a date.
was a review of the three hospitals I visited.
 I think there was a lot of talk about other consultations, but that's all I remember.
 Is there anyone who received outline consultation or surgery at the same hospital as me?????
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