Job Review
[성형수다] Reviews of 4 eye surgery consultations
작성 16.07.15 18:03:14 조회 1,244
Sinsa H Hospital - This is the first hospital I have been to. Since my eyes are sleepy and the double eyelids are easy to open, I have a lot of Mongolian folds and the horizontal length of my eyes is small, I recommend double eyelid correction - incision, front epicanthoplasty, and posterior epicanthoplasty. In particular, he strongly recommended that the surgery was made for people like me. When I told him about the side effects, he said there was no need to worry and that side effects were very rare. Consult with the manager. They said they would pay the value-added tax as a benefit for same-day reservations. But when I went there yesterday, there were really no patients and I was the only one there, so I looked it up and found that there were failure reviews at Black Seongyesa and that the director was famous for being very unscrupulous... I only received consultations, so all the directors and managers were friendly, but it gave me goosebumps... Yesterday, I posted a question on Naver Cafe, but all the answers were negative. This morning my question was blocked from posting requests. So I didn't even use all the consonants... Could I get sued if I wrote something like this?;;

Gangnam Station ㅋㅇ- If you have severe Mongolian wrinkles and ptosis, I recommend non-incision eye correction (including double eyelid surgery) epicanthoplasty. As for the back slit, I tried doing that above first, but if you still think your eyes are small, do it, or don't, but he said there was no need to do it from the beginning. I said it was like an option. The director was very young and handsome. He looked like he was in his early 30s, so I was a little worried about his career, so I asked the manager how old he was, and she said he was 44. I was satisfied with the consultation. Looking at the before and after photos, it seems like the lines here are very sophisticated, and when I went there, patient 4- There were about 5 people. I thought I was strabismus until now, but in fact, it wasn't strabismus, and it was good that they explained that it was pseudoesotropia and that it looked like I had a lot of Mongolian folds. If you make a reservation on the same day, they give you 200,000 won more and the deposit is 100,000 won. But I went yesterday, so it was too much. Eyelid surgery reservation fee for beginners

Apgujeong ㅇㅅ (no objection) - I went to DC ㅇㅅ Gallery because they said I have good eyesight. In fact, all the hospitals I visited were said to be good for eyesight. The first hospital mentioned in the ㅇㅅ gallery, now that I look at it, I thought it was a broker's trick... but when I visited, the building was much smaller than I thought. It was a 3 or 4-story building. ㅇㅅ was on the 2nd floor. The location is small and old, so I thought, "Oh, this place is a bit... I arrived at the scheduled time, but there was a 20-minute wait, so I thought I shouldn't get it here. But I really liked the consultation with Dr. He said that he needs eye correction because his eye opening power is weak, but in fact, he said that it is an eye that should not have eye correction because of sagging skin above the eyes rather than weak eye opening power. Therefore, he recommended epicanthoplasty and double incision. He said that eye correction can result in squinted eyes, and now. It is said that the ideal amount of eyelids covering the pupils is as long as the sagging eyelids are exposed. Eye correction should never be done. They say it looks strange because the eyes are squinted... And eye size is determined by the ratio of the eye sockets to the face, but since my eye sockets are small, there will be a limit to how big my eyes can be. There was no director here. I just felt like a nurse. A consultant similar to the nurse went in and told me the price, but there was no reservation fee and I was told in detail about the surgery process and what to do after the surgery. When I got here, the two places in front seemed like businessmen... I guess that's because they gave me the director's business card at the first two places, but this one gave me the director's business card. ..It doesn’t matter when you have the surgery, but if you are going to have the surgery, be sure to contact us a week in advance. Consultation and surgery are only available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On other days, they are done in Bundang. In fact, I heard that eye correction is a difficult and dangerous surgery, so I wanted to avoid it as much as possible, so I went to this hospital. I also want to choose. The director also seems to have a lot of experience... But the problem is that the hospital is very small and the building looks old. It looks comfortable inside, but when I went there, a lady went home after having eye surgery and the director seemed to be late for the consultation because he was eating.. It felt like it wasn't as organized as other places. .Still, I like the director the most. When she went, the woman who was coming out of surgery and I were the only ones there.

Apgujeong ㅅㅍㄹㅅ- I rushed to get a consultation at ㅇㅅ and was a little annoyed because I was later than the reservation time at ㅇㅅ. The building was very large. It seemed like there was another plastic surgery clinic in the building, and it seemed to be on the 4th floor. The director consulted with me right before going into surgery. Non-incision eye correction and epicanthoplasty are also recommended. It's called sleepy eyes. If you're worried about eye correction, you don't have to do it, but then they say you have to set the double eyelid line very low for burial. As I heard, the cost seems to be about +80 more than others. Here too, they don't give the director's business card, but just send a business card. When you enter the consultation room, there is a picture taken with Unjin Eonjin and the director, and when you look at it, you think, Oh, can I also get a photo from the director who performed surgery on Unjin Eonjin...! I thought there was a reason it was expensive. The director said this was an eye hospital and explained the prices. As expected, my ears are thin, so I like this one. Oh, when the director and manager were explaining things, they talked while looking at before and after photos on a very large monitor. They also played a video and it was good. When I went there, there seemed to be about 2-3 patients. Ugh... Except for ㅇㅅ, they all had eye correction
. I recommend it. At ㅇㅅ, they say it's an eye that shouldn't be corrected... Somewhere else says it's not possible to get the double-couple line, so I'm really worried ㅜㅜ I don't know who to trust, but the director at ㅇㅅ says that the doctors who told me to correct my eyes and say I should never correct my eyes are mistaken. ㅜㅜ The eyes Correction might be good... Ha... I'll have to visit more and make a decision. I'll visit more and post reviews of those places. I'll skip ahead and

 Hospital No. 1 = epicanthoplasty, eye correction, incision, double eyelid surgery, and posterior epicanthoplasty. Recommended. Same-day reservation benefits include VAT and reservation fee. But It was scary that there was no one at the hospital, so I asked at a cafe and searched, and it was black.
No. 2 = Recommended epicanthoplasty eye correction. Discounted benefits for same-day reservations. There is a reservation fee of 100,000 won. There were 4-5 people there when I went. The director was good-looking at 44 years old. No. 3
 = A hospital that says yes when other hospitals say no. Haha. It doesn't do eye correction, but only front trimming. Double incision surgery recommended. Deposit for same-day reservation. Benefits. No manager. It doesn't seem like the most fancy place, but the building is very old. When I went there, there was a lady who had eye surgery with me. Number 4
 = It was the most expensive and the director looked famous. A photo taken with Son Ye-jin was hung in the consultation room. Eye correction recommended for epicanthoplasty. There were about 2 or 3 people there when I went.
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