Job Review
[눈성형] Reviews of the two consultations I went to yesterday (ㅇㄷ, ㅇㄱㅈㅅㅇ)
작성 17.11.21 21:07:16 조회 1,990
I'm tired. Walking around is just a hassle and I don't have the stamina. It's a long two hours to Seoul...
 Anyway, I went to see Director ㅇㄷ/ㅇㅅㅈ on Monday, and while I was there, I also went to ㅇㄱㅈㅅㅇ...
 First of all, ㅇㄷ... wasn't great when I went in. I was confused because one person was talking on the phone but the other person just went inside.. But the manager was very friendly and nice haha. I got the feeling that they didn't focus only on money. I didn't understand the explanation very well, but I guess it must have been difficult for them to keep repeating it again. Haha. He even showed me outside the window because it was snowing... hehe... But compared to that, the director only said exactly what he had to say and seemed to be bothered by something...? I was about to ask more, but the manager stood up and left, saying he would show me the photo. ㅠㅠ.. I went here really expecting the director, but it was the director who performed the surgery, not the manager. ㅜㅜ
 Anyway, here too, they recommended eye correction + incision + epicanthoplasty.. They said no because it wouldn’t leave a scar. When I first received counseling, I was told that I had to risk losing and do it, but something made me think... Well, they just showed me a picture, and honestly, there were people who looked a bit like me, so I was a little upset, but I guess it was because of my mood, so I just ignored it. First of all, unlike for ㅌㅇㅅ, where you roughly hold the shape with a stick or something and write it down on paper, for ㅇㄷ, they told you that if you had the surgery, they would hold the shape here and there before going in, so I felt a bit anxious. Maybe it was because it was my first time and I didn't know much, but ㅜㅜ I was a little attracted to it. The director talked about the eyes that would suit me rather than the eyes I wanted, so I wondered if the director would be satisfied with the results. I like a somewhat natural look, but I wanted it to be big. The director said he didn't think I wanted something flashy, but I went in hoping for a big size... haha.. I wanted the front opening to be natural, but big at the top. But it didn't seem like that was the direction you were pursuing. Anyway, the one I'm most attracted to right now is ㅇㄷ.. If I go somewhere else and say that you don't have to make an incision or can do a non-incision, he told me that it's an eye that shouldn't be made.. He told me that if it's a non-incision, it's a meaningless eye..
Secondly, ㅇㄱㅈㅅㅇ
 Let's go to this place in the meantime! So I went to get it at 4 o'clock, and when I told the director that I wanted to get it, he said he doesn't care about my eyes anymore... and decided to only take care of wrinkles. oh my god. Instead, a direct junior..? I said something and he said he would do it, so from there... I did it. I still wanted to get it from someone who has done a lot of surgeries. Anyway, what's interesting is that he took a picture of my eyes. I was quite embarrassed and a bit... I put the picture on the monitor. (I asked him to delete it, so he deleted it) So we were talking, and the director's eyes were there. It looked like she had an epicanthoplasty. I asked carefully and she said yes. He said he did it here) But it didn't seem to be my style, so I did it here again... Anyway, after that, the director came and I think he gave me the longest consultation and gave the most explanations. Of course, the recommendation here was the same. Since the lifting force is weak and it floats on the forehead, an incision for eye correction is required. If you don't make an incision, it will continue to rise on your forehead. They explained it very carefully... In ㅇㄷ, they say it takes 2 weeks to recover, but here, they said it varies from person to person, which seemed trustworthy and truthful. They say that if you don't want to leave a scar, they can use thin thread. But for some reason, I didn't really care.. All I could think about was that I should have put down a deposit to come... ㅜㅜ
Why did the building really sparkle and look really nice? It felt like something out of a movie. They show me the documents I wrote and send them on the elevator. When I go up using something like a walkie-talkie, a staff member is waiting and goes to the elevator to take a picture. The building was really nice, but ㅇㄷ was small and had a simple feel. But I was more attracted to ㅇㄷ lol. Why on earth..
The conclusion is that my eyes can only be incised......... That's right. I was a little sad. Yes..
I have another question..
1. You talk about the wide space between the eyebrows and Mongolian folds. Is it really necessary to get epicanthoplasty? The double eyelids in front of my eyes are covered by the skin around my eyelids. Do I have to get an opening to correct this?
2. If I do an epicanthoplasty, won’t it just end up being pointed? Will it have a different shape? I don't want my expression to get dirty and I like my eyes to be clear...
3. How do I shape my face when going into surgery? Can you also adjust the shape of the front slit?
4. I asked him if he was removing the original double eyelids and making them because he couldn't blink, and he said that since it was cutting flesh, it didn't matter if I had the original eyelids, so he just said that they would settle in place after doing it, but when I said that I didn't understand, he said that I didn't need to know the surgical process..(ㅇㄱㅈㅅㅇ ) I wonder what happened to the front tail and it became two double eyelids, and they ended up clapping together..? It's so scary.. (I'm more worried because I have a double eyelid with only one eyelid)
5. Why did I end up like this..? ^^..
I brought the same article I wrote to another cafe.. Sigh..
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