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[눈성형] Will my eyes be able to get better with epicanthoplasty or epicanthoplasty?
작성 10.12.19 01:56:31 조회 1,912
I am an 18 year old female. Maybe it's because I've been wearing glasses for 11 years, but there's a slight line between the eyebrows that some women have with a low nose bridge. There is no such thing , but when it comes down below the eyebrows, there is a bridge of the nose again. ㅠ The width of my eyes is 2.5 cm, and the distance between the eyes is 3.5 cm. And the vertical length (size) of my eyes is 1 cm. What should I do for plastic surgery? First of all, I think I have Mongolian folds in my eyes. The size of my eyes is not that big, and the length around my eyes is usually short, but the area between my eyes is wide. Also, the fat under my eyes is slightly visible, but when I smile, it becomes slightly more noticeable. I think it's hereditary.. the area under my eyes is a little dark... there's something like that. The eyelids are too subtle, so it looks flat. I tend to have dark inner double eyelids! . They say I have pretty double eyelids... I have double eyelids... I've never heard that I'm pretty from the front, but I've heard quite a bit about the side view. But that doesn't mean I'm pretty at all. I'm sorry for making you look like a jerk. I'm planning on getting plastic surgery after I finish my senior year of high school. Please recommend plastic surgery... I really need to do something about my nose. Maybe it's because I don't have a nose bridge, but when I wear glasses, my glasses keep falling down. It's uncomfortable. Someone else gave me this answer... You don't have to read it. The space between the eyebrows and the eyeball is so bad. The eyebrows are close together and protrude, so they are called lobster eyes and are characterized by a strong impression. There are also a few Mongolian folds... The nose has a good shape at the tip, but the bridge is low. Also, the area where the wing of the nose meets the upper lip is depressed (i.e., the maxilla protrudes slightly), and what is unusual is that tear troughs (Indian wrinkles) under the eyes, which occur in older people, are clearly formed. In conclusion, it seems necessary to create double eyelids and lighten the Mongolian fold, but to correct the bulge in the eyebrow area, it is necessary to correct a separate fat layer called (ROOF). In case of double eyelids, it looks small even if the double eyelids are made large, so it is necessary to make them slightly larger. It may be good, but if it is too big, it will be closer to the eyebrows and the impression will look stronger. Since the shape of the tip of the nose is good, it would be good to increase the height using an ingo implant and autologous cartilage. At this time, it would be good to use the remaining cartilage to fill the inside of the nose and perform noble surgery at the same time. This is a simple judgment based on a photo, so it may differ from the reality, but overall, it is a harmonious and beautiful face.
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