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[코성형] Sharing reviews of rhinoplasty side effects and tips for choosing a hospital
작성 23.12.15 18:45:48 조회 16,293

I think I gathered about 30 hospitals with side effects and bad reviews. I wrote this to share how I was able to collect this information and the important factors in choosing a hospital. My nose became N in an instant and I also suffered a major breakdown to the point of giving up on life. Of course, these aren't all my opinions, and I've also written down some of the content I heard somewhere and agree with.

+I just want to make the list public and upload it, but in Korea, there is a crime of defamation if the facts are stated..ㅠㅠㅜI'm sorry for not sharing the list, but I think you can get surgery at a good place with the tips below.


1. Fox, excluding places frequently mentioned in Bobby Talk -> Foxy is mostly a broker's version. If you go to the hospital recommended here, it's a shortcut to ruining your life. Places promoted by brokers are highly likely to manage reviews. Bobby Talk may be mentioned often, but if the comments clearly look like broker comments, such as “Director 000, you’re doing a good job,” skip the hospital in question. Just refer to the review of Bobby Talk about what the line is like, and definitely skip the hospital that has reviews of side effects!                                          

2. Excluding non-specialist hospitals -> After collecting reviews, I found that there were a lot of people dissatisfied with the appearance of otolaryngologists, and the reviews I collected also included a lot of hospitals specializing in otolaryngology, so let's be conservative and go to a plastic surgeon. If you only want it to function, an ENT specialist recommends it.

3. Seongyesa premium reputation, filter it by looking at the side effects and dissatisfaction reviews, and if there is something the hospital wants to hide at the very end of the reputation, filter it without even looking back. -> High probability of reputation manipulation...

4. Skipping unpleasant hospitals after reading reviews -> If you keep looking at the reviews, if the mosaic method is the same or the speaking style is the same, it is 100% raised by the hospital.

5. Search Google reviews and blind reviews -> If you search for the hospital on Google, you can see Google reviews, and if you search for “Blind 00 Plastic Surgery,” you can see the reputation of the hospital. Since it is a portal operated overseas, it is not easy to file a lawsuit, so opinions are free to share.

6. Go to at least 3 open group chat rooms related to rhinoplasty and check the reviews and reputation of the hospital -> Among open group chat rooms, places with strict authentication are somewhat useful and are useful for understanding follow-up management and the doctor's responsibility after an accident occurs.

-> Up to this point, there don't seem to be many hospitals that can go to the hospital. That's the reality.

1. Filter out places without CCTV -> These days, there are still many hospitals in the world without CCTV. They seem to have a lot of money and are large in scale, but strangely, they don't have CCTV..? Then it's not a real place. Just have to filter it out. Even if a patient complains, it is disadvantageous and there is a high possibility that the place is not patient-friendly.

2. During the consultation, I skipped places that recommended more than what was necessary (nose reduction and osteotomy are the most common sales bundles). During the consultation, the director clearly said that it was not necessary, but when I consulted with the manager, I found out that there were places in the estimate that were oddly different from the consultation details. . There are many cases where osteotomy estimates are written secretly. This place isn't real...

3. Avoid directors who only show before and after photos during foot consultations. The nose is complex due to various factors such as angle and height, and showing only before and after photos may result in later surgical results being different from what the patient expected. A doctor who can draw before and after results using a patient's photo, use Photoshop, or use a virtual plastic surgery program is best. It is also advantageous to ask why the same results were not obtained even with the relevant evidence.

4. During the first consultation, he said he was confident and would reflect his needs, but during the design consultation right before the surgery, if the director was angry and treated the patient unresponsively, he would refund the deposit and just run out -> There is a high probability that they will not reflect the patient's needs at all and will stick to their own will. I should have paid a deposit for the surgery, but since I thought I was already going to have surgery, I wasted my efforts and just did it roughly. The worst among evil things.

These days, even high school students are looking into plastic surgery, so I wrote this with the hope of choosing a good hospital.

1. Bobby Talk, skipping hospitals mentioned by brokers in Yeoya
2. Excluding non-specialists (observers)
3. Seongyesa Premium Review Hidden post on back page Filter 3 or more hospitals
4. All the reviews are filtering out hospitals with the same mosaic method.
5. Check hospital reviews on Google and Blind App
6. Go to more than 3 group chat rooms related to rhinoplasty and check hospital reviews.
7. Filtering out hospitals without CCTV
8. Skip if more cosmetic options are recommended than necessary.
9. Go to a hospital that shows the before and after differences using Photoshop, virtual plastic surgery, and drawing on photos.
10. If the director is blunt during a design consultation, don’t immediately throw away the deposit.
[CODE : 4A4EA]
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