Job Review
Plastic surgery Specialist
PRO Cert
5th and 9th floors, Hanwell Building, 446, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
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"땡큐성형외과 대표원장님"
성형외과 전문의
성균관대학교 의과대학 대학원, 의학박사
성균관대학교 삼성서울병원 외래교수
삼성서울병원 성형외과 전공의 수료
독일 Dusseldorf, Sana Krankenhaus Gerresheim 연수
1mm성형외과 대표원장
마블성형외과 원장
현 학교법인 춘해학원 이사
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대한성형외과학회 코성형연구회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 유방성형연구회 정회원
미국성형외과학회(ASPS) 정회원
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5th and 9th floors, Hanwell Building, 446, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
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I went earlier than the consultation reservation time, but the photo shoot and coordinator consultation were conducted earlier than the reservation time, so I was able to do it faster than expected without having to wait too long. I liked that the director showed me the three stages of the line and discussed with me which one was best. I think you're looking for a natural yet moderately flashy look that I've seen in many reviews.
When I was at Marvel, I received a dual contract due to natural adhesion. Although it has now healed and I had to re-operate through an incision, I looked at all the other hospitals and there was no one who was this kind. I was very satisfied with the line. I regret having to have the doctor re-surgery because I didn't feel the same feeling when the incision was made at another hospital.
The waiting time was a bit long, and during the consultation, please understand my eye needs well and prepare the lines in detail. However, I was unable to have a long consultation because I was busy.
It was nice that he seemed confident and recommended various things. He tried to give me what I wanted. The representative director was a little busy, so the waiting period for consultation was long.
The doctor who is famous for reoperations is very nice. You have to be prepared and go. The estimate is medium- busy and seems rushed, but it feels very professional. There are a lot of people and it feels a bit chaotic, so I don't care.
I received a consultation for eye and nose revision surgery. I was very satisfied because they explained exactly what was needed and what was not needed and presented several cases.
I received counseling and it was good because it was trustworthy and friendly~!! I was more trustworthy than other places, and I was more trustworthy because he was conservative.
I received counseling when I was living somewhere else, and it was great because they explained things in a very systematic way! I'm worried because you seem to have a lot of experience.
The wait was so long. I guess that shows how good your skills are!! The nurses and director are really nice and listen carefully.
He guided me through each line and gave me conservative advice! The other place was an opening, but I found it interesting that it was actually a restoration, so I ended up doing Gingaminga instead.
Even though you must have been tired after the surgery, they were very kind and explained everything thoroughly. There was no excessive recommendation, and I trusted him because he professionally explained what line was possible in my eyes. I recommend it.
The director was very kind and explained in great detail during the consultation. He told me about the surgery I needed and said it would be better to do only the priorities first, and did not give excessive recommendations. They made the surgery kind and comfortable so I had the surgery without any worries.
This hospital was recommended to me by a friend! The consultation was good except for the long wait. I'm still thinking about it, but I'm considering this hospital.
The CEO definitely has good eyes. I saw and explained things I hadn't seen anywhere else. However, it seems difficult to have long consultations because they are busy. The managers also seemed too busy to pay attention to each and every detail.
I received a consultation and was able to receive exactly the answers I wanted and to the questions I was curious about. The person was so friendly that I felt comfortable receiving the consultation.
In general, it seems like eyebrow lift and under-eye surgery are recommended to patients. After reading the reviews, I was afraid that they would diagnose me as needing a lift, but it was mentioned again. He said it wouldn't be right away, but he would do it later when he was older. He said that as soon as he entered the counseling room.
It seems like the long wait was worth it. The consultation was kind and I felt that the person was very professional when he explained the surgical area. I hope you all get to know him and get it done at a good place.
The director is kind , listens well to what the patient says, and adjusts to what the patient wants. However, the waiting time is really long, so I'm worried about the after-sales service even though it's the off-season.
Jo A-young Jo A-young is somehow professional, but knows a lot about the eyes, and since the hospital is obviously large, follow-up care is thorough and systematic.
It was great that he was very kind and answered clearly . I had a comfortable consultation because he pointed out exactly what kind of surgery I needed to do !
The consultation was friendly and the explanation was easy to understand. The waiting time is long, but I'm glad I went to the consultation.
I was skeptical because there were reviews saying it was unfriendly, but the manager and desk staff were friendly. The director also kindly explained why my double eyelids became uneven, and I felt his professionalism. I was very careful because it was a revision eye surgery, but they also informed me about what was wrong with my existing eye and provided consultation without over-treatment.
There was quite a bit of waiting, but the director was very kind, professional, and spoke in an easy-to-understand manner. I am considering surgery.
The wait may be long, but they understand your needs very well. Considering the future, he confidently tells us what to recommend and what not to recommend. Happy
It's expensive, but he was the doctor I liked the most during my consultation. He taught me the limitations of my nose and gave me various types of silicone, so even though it was my first consultation, I still remembered him until the end. I couldn't go because it was expensive, but they captured the feeling I wanted right away and communication was good.
I went to get a consultation because I was stressed about my mismatched eyes, and it was really nice that they explained the structure of my eyes in detail... I went with my mom, and I was most satisfied with this part because it was explained in an easy-to-understand way! Even though my eyes are not easy, he seemed confident and I could guess that he was an experienced person.
The director seems to be the kindest. The consultation was simple, but I was surprised that he drew a pretty line. And even though he was busy, he was friendly.
The director carefully drew many double eyelid lines and recommended only the necessary surgery. The waiting time was long, but the director and manager were friendly.
The wait was very long, perhaps because it was a large hospital, but I was able to trust the doctor who looked at me in detail and recommended only necessary surgeries for my eye and nose consultation. It was nice to have a consultation while showing several double eyelid lines!
I went there just to get a consultation, but I felt the most trustworthy and it was great that I got the eye line just the way I wanted. Even though he seemed busy, he was friendly!
The director was thorough and did not give excessive recommendations. He made conservative recommendations and asked me to keep a good line. The consultation was short.
I received double incision surgery from Dr. Kim Hyeong-seok, and during the reoperation, I was also consulted about cleft eyelid surgery. He said that it was one of the eyes where cleft opening would not be effective. He was very honest and recommended a forehead lift, so I decided to have it done along with double eyelid surgery. I had the surgery in February and am now very satisfied. !! best!!
First of all, I felt that the director was very meticulous and pursued perfection. The atmosphere of the hospital is medium-sized with a lot of people, but it feels a bit like a factory... (But the more customers you have, the more experience you have, so there is no negative perception of the factory-type hospital. A one-person hospital that is not in business may be meticulous, but the experience may be lower, so I think each has its pros and cons.) There are many foreigners (Chinese), and the hospital even has an interpreter. The desk staff are a bit unfriendly, perhaps because they are busy. Chic? He looks tired. Even though the director seemed very busy during the consultation, he was kind and ironically, of all the hospitals I've been to, the consultation was short but he was the most thorough. When I showed him a picture of the eye I wanted, he said, "This is not because of this," and if you want a line like this, you need a forehead lift..... like this. He explained the reason to me and recommended several lines for me! This is the only hospital that lines both eyes!
The wait was long, but the consultation was good. The director recommended surgery conservatively, so I had confidence in it, and I also liked the way he held the line.
I was worried that the consultation would be short because the waiting line was so long, but the consultation was very friendly and there were a variety of dual lines available in the midst of the busy schedule, so I decided to go to Maeun. I am worried because the price is higher than I thought, but if the surgery results are good, I will decide without hesitation.
Since it was a revision eye surgery, I really wanted to succeed this time without repeat surgery. Even though it was expensive, I wanted to save a few pennies and didn't want to fail again, so I trusted the doctor's surgical skills, but I got the results I wanted after the surgery, so I'm really sorry about the money. Doctor. Thank you so much.
I went for a double eyelid revision surgery consultation. I was very satisfied with the kind advice they gave me as they listened to my concerns and helped me figure out various issues. It's a bit expensive so I'm still considering it...
It seems like you talk a lot about forehead lifts, but it was nice that you explained in detail what you should and shouldn't do with the surgery to suit my eyes! I'm just worried because the price is a bit high. I think I'll apply for a consultation again soon.
Because he was so famous, I was nervous during the consultation, but when I came in, he greeted me kindly. Unlike other hospitals, he didn't just tell me what to do, but told me about the difference in the height of my eyebrows and what surgeries I should not have. The way he held my eye and explained why was so easy to understand and gave me a sense of trust! However, I am a little worried because the cost is high.
I really liked it from the moment he drew the line during my first consultation! Even on the day of surgery, I drew several lines and finally decided on the line I liked, and I am very satisfied now :)
I was very satisfied with the consultation as the director was very kind and made me feel comfortable. He said he wanted to do non-incision double lifting, but the director explained the reason in detail and professionally, saying that he recommends incision double lifting rather than non-incisional double lifting. He didn't give too much advice. The wait was a bit long
You looked really confident in your eyes! It was a reoperation, and I liked the way he straightened the lines. Haha. I can feel that he is a kind and good person.
I felt like I was good at drawing lines. I felt like I was good at reading my eyes, and I was good at drawing the lines that my eyes could do.
I went to get a consultation for my nose and also got a consultation for my eyes. I knew I had a complex, but I was surprised when they fixed it for me!! It was clear that he had done a lot of surgeries, so he spoke clearly and explained things at length.
The lines were held delicately for a long time and the shape was very pretty! And the director works? He seemed to be very satisfied with himself, so it was good to receive counseling from him.
Well, he definitely seemed to know my eyes best. He honestly told me what would happen if I only dual-wielded and recommended a forehead lift. There seems to be a small chance of failure
The waiting time is long and the distance between the eyes is close, but I looked at 10 more places than here and there was no place that recommended forehead lift. Speaking of forehead lift, is there anything in particular? All they said was that you don't have to do it, and looking at the reviews, it seems like this hospital is recommended to a 9 out of 10 for forehead lift.
He tries to answer all the questions I ask, but he looks so busy. I feel like he needs to get up soon, so I feel like I have to memorize and ask questions if I have any questions, without giving him time. He was confident and the quote wasn't bad.
I visited based on a friend's recommendation, and the consultation was friendly, and although there was a lot of waiting, it seemed busy, but I liked the attentiveness.
It holds several lines using various lines. He looks at the desired double eyelid line in detail and explains it kindly.
It was my first double eyelid surgery consultation, and it was nice that he kindly explained the lines and didn't make excessive recommendations. There was a bit of a wait at the hospital.
A lot of my friends recommended it. My acquaintances were also satisfied and Munan Munan doesn't seem to be bad. I'll consider it next time too.
He was very kind when giving advice. He tried to listen to what I wanted as much as possible, and also explained the limitations.
Please keep what you want as much as possible and do not recommend excessive surgery. During the consultation, please only ask what you need and be kind enough to ask any questions you have.
I received a consultation. He wants a clear and accurate diagnosis and detailed information about what the patient wants. As expected from a famous director, I could sense his sincerity in his tone of voice. However, perhaps it was because it was morning or he was having a hard time during the surgery, but I did not get the feeling that he was friendly.
Friendly consultation.. I'm still debating whether to do it here, but if you're thinking about double arms, it might be a good idea to get a consultation here!
The waiting time was really long, but I understand because there were so many people. The best part was that the consultation was really kind.. There was no pressure to pay for a reservation or excessive treatment. Just what I needed? Otherwise, it seems like you listen to the parties' perspectives a lot. It seems like you're pursuing a natural line, and I think you're really okay with that.
There were a lot of people at the hospital so there was a bit of a wait. The director was kind and cheerful, and the atmosphere during the consultation was comfortable and he explained things in an easy-to-understand manner. The staff and counseling director were also friendly.
I received a consultation because he said he was very famous. The doctor still looks very young, but I heard that he is good at removing lines. The people who say he is a hot teacher these days are almost all flashy and eye-popping, so this is a place I worry about a lot.
I had double eye surgery in September of last year. The lines were very nice, the swelling wasn't that bad after the revision surgery, and I heard a lot of people say my eyes were pretty, so I'm very satisfied.
He is very kind during the consultation. He makes the patient feel comfortable. He designs the eyes slightly and informs the patient of the after-surgery results several times. He also touches the nose and shows the desired direction and the shape of the surgery with a cotton swab.
I went for a consultation, but he was having surgery, so I waited a little longer. It was nice that he held the line well and explained everything in detail.
doctor was quite detailed when checking for possible eyelines and was also patient when explaining the limitations of my eye surgery and crease due to my eyebrows being quite close to my eyes
Il a souligné que la ligne actuelle semblait haute et m'a dit à plusieurs reprises ce que ce serait de l'abaisser, et je l'ai aimé. Il faut attendre un certain temps.
Je suis allé pour ma première consultation avec Ssangsu. Il n'a pas recommandé un traitement excessif et a été très gentil. Il a même expliqué trois lignes et expliqué à quoi ressemblerait l'image de Hanana.
C'était bien qu'ils aient tenu la ligne plus de fois que d'autres endroits, et c'était bien qu'ils aient tenu la ligne une fois de plus lorsque la dernière consultation était terminée. C'était bien que vous n'ayez pas donné trop de recommandations et que vous n'ayez pas souligné des choses qui pourraient être résolues.
J'avais l'impression que mes paupières étaient épaisses, alors j'ai posé des questions sur l'élimination des graisses. La distance entre les sourcils et les yeux est étroite, elle semble donc épaisse. Il m'a fait sentir les paupières et m'a confirmé qu'il y avait moins de graisse. J'ai dit que l'asymétrie était également une préoccupation, mais vous avez dit que la position des os des sourcils et la distance entre les sourcils et les yeux sont différentes, de sorte que l'asymétrie est ressentie très fortement. Vous semblez avoir de bonnes compétences en matière de conseil et de bonnes compétences analytiques. Cependant, il est regrettable qu'il y ait trop de critiques à écrire.
Le directeur a été très gentil et a essayé de répondre à mes besoins autant que possible. Le directeur était également gentil, et j'ai aimé l'atmosphère générale de l'hôpital.
It's been about 10 months since I had the surgery. I had a consultation at Ilmiri, but I decided not to have the surgery, so I forgot about it for a while. Then, thanks to you, they opened a clinic and I went for a consultation again. The surgery went so naturally and well, and since I had double eyelids in the first place, no one even knew I had the surgery. Haha my eyes got bigger and I like it haha
I still remember that Dr. Kim Hyeong-seok had reoperation on my eye when I was 1 mm in size. He reduced the price a bit because he thought the effect would be minimal. But after the surgery, the swelling went down and I was very satisfied.
Please explain the consultation in detail. He identified my eye and muscles and suggested a plan. A friend of mine was doing well, so I went for a consultation and the director was very thorough.
The director is kind and has a good sense of beauty! The first surgery was so bad that I lived with a pair of eyes for several years, and I was so stressed out that I went to almost 10 different places to look for a repeat surgery. From the time of the consultation, he immediately captured the feeling I wanted and made sure to give me the feeling I wanted as much as possible even though my eyes were in bad condition. I trusted him because he provided detailed information on possible solutions :) So I consulted with him that day and made a reservation right away! I'm waiting for the surgery to go well and for the swelling to go down, but for now, I think it's going very well!
Please pay close attention to details during the consultation. He drew the lines several times and explained them well. He said that elevation may be necessary to improve eye convexity, but he said it was an area of ​​choice.
I had natural adhesion surgery 4-5 years ago when I was at another hospital. I think I went to about 6 hospitals at that time, but the reason I chose Dr. Lee was because he was good at explaining things. Consultation time was the longest. Also, there was no feeling that unnecessary procedures were recommended. He had a lot of worries about whether the natural adhesions would be released, and he said that it would not work. As a result... it worked out. So, I am looking into revision surgery. Still, the line you held before wasn't bad, and it was good that you explained it well. Do you recommend it? If you say so, I can't recommend it that much, but if you do burial (including natural adhesion), I think it's not a bad choice.
I went for an eye consultation this time, but he recommended other surgeries that would suit me. He was kind and made me feel comfortable.
I really liked the hospital I went to once before. I want to go see you again next time. You must be doing well, right? koh thank you so much
I was thinking about getting a pair of hands, but I got the treatment at Thank You Plastic Surgery Clinic on the recommendation of an acquaintance, and now that it's been 3 months, everyone says it went well. Everyone in the hospital is kind, so I recommend it!!
#Double eyelids (natural adhesion) #Upper eyelid surgery. I am very satisfied with the meticulous line drawing. There were more bruises and swelling on the right than on the left, but both of them went away quickly. As each week passes, it becomes more and more natural, and I am really, really satisfied!
I'm worried about the pair of eyes, but he explained well why it was, and honestly said that the paired eyes would not be the ultimate solution, but it would be a complement to some extent. I liked it because it was an atmosphere that seemed to respect my choice, although it was not compulsory and suggested the options I wanted to recommend.
An eye specialist, I was buried about a year ago, but it was a very natural and really good surgery. I'm thinking of going here because it's famous for snow spots
We try our best to give you as much advice as possible according to your desired eyebrows. Be positive and be kind. He doesn't recommend excessive surgery, but tries to get rid of his worries by saying that it will be a good condition.
At the hospital where I had my first plastic surgery about 3 years ago, I didnt know much about plastic surgery at that time, such as side effects or surrogate surgery. I went for a consultation at a hospital that I like.. I remember that I waited over an hour even though I made a reservation, and the counselor was very kind. The director gave me a good impression and explained in detail. I didnt make an incision and pinched it, and the surgery went well~ But the swelling went down so much that it became so natural Im slightly regretting to make it thicker!
You seemed professional when I consulted you. Once you go, take a picture, put the picture up and look at it, tell them how to do the surgery, say there are such and such methods as the surgical method, close your eyes, and how are your eye lines like this? He gave me advice and was kind, but I thought that the surgery might not be possible because the price was too high. Its the price of 2 or 3 outlines...

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