Job Review
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5 DR eval
"Only one breast surgery per day!"
Breast augmentation50%
body line20%
Plastic Surgery Specialist, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine,
Former Director, Jerim Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of Plastic Surgery, Gumi Cha Hospital Former Professor of Plastic Surgery, Cha Medical School
Academic activity
Member, International Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member, Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member, Korean Society of Craniofacial Surgeons Full member Regular member of the Korean Society of Imaging Science and Technology Regular member of the opening meeting of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Related Dr.
Dr. Jae-Young Jung
Dr. Cho Yonggi
Dr. Junghwan Moon
Dr. Jo In-guk
Dr. Kim Soo-ji
Dr. Choi Young-hwan
Hospital info
3rd and 4th floor, B1, 805 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
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I'm satisfied with my breasts. I went to YouTube but there was a lot of waiting. The swelling went down quickly and the scar healed well so it's not noticeable.
I liked that they were friendly and professional! It was nice to have a detailed consultation, and although I haven't had surgery yet, I am satisfied with the consultation.
I had breast augmentation done by the director, but I spent 10 million won out of pocket and had the surgery without any comments or review discounts. Originally, this hospital didn't have such an event, so I wasn't even told to write a review during the consultation process. I'm writing this for the sake of getting information on rhinoplasty after upgrading. First of all, when I received my first consultation, the director, who was older than me, greeted me with a 90-degree bow. You could say that the doctor would take care of it because it was a daily operation, but I was impressed by the way he tried to explain in detail as easily as possible from the perspective of a patient undergoing surgery for the first time. It was deep. They recommended an appropriate size and type of implant that reflected my skin and what I wanted. I went ahead with it and am satisfied. As soon as I woke up after the surgery, the doctor came to me and asked me how I was feeling and reassured me that the surgery was done very well. I was discharged the same day. It would have been possible, but I live alone, so I asked to be hospitalized for a day, and it was quiet. It seemed like they only had surgery on one person a day, and it seemed like I was the only patient. The nurse was kind, even though it seemed like she was working all night because of me. The surgery went very well, and after the surgery, she was kind. I feel anxious at the slightest pain, so I keep contacting him about trivial things, but the director is very accepting. It's been almost two years since I had the surgery, and I'll have to go see the director again soon, but I don't feel like going because there don't seem to be any side effects. I'm satisfied with the surgery process and results, but I don't have any exposure to the doctor. I don't wear clothes often, so I wonder if I really needed to do it. But if I hadn't had the surgery, I would have been eyeing this place just thinking that I still want to do it. I wrote a thesis when I could have written only 100 words.
I had my nose done here when I was really young. At that time, I should have looked for more images of the nose I wanted, but I didn't know anything and was fearless, so I did it without thinking. The results were very natural, and I have been living well without any side effects for over 10 years.
It was a delicate and detailed plastic surgery consultation. The manager was kind and trustworthy, and I felt at ease. I thought the aftercare would be good, so I put all my heart into this place.

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