Job Review
16 DR eval
성형외과 전문의
중앙대학교 의과대학 졸업
중앙대학교병원 의과대학원 석사
중앙대학교병원 성형외과 전문의
중앙대학교병원 의과대학 외래교수
Academic activity
대한 성형외과학회 종신회원 (KSPRS)
대한 미용성형외과학회 정회원 (KSAPS)
국제 미용성형외과학회(IPRAS) 정회원
대한 성형외과개원의협의회 정회원
대한 눈성형연구회 정회원
대한 코성형연구회 정회원
대한 지방성형연구회 정회원
대한 두개안면성형외과학회 정회원 (KCPCA)
Hospital info
3F, Mihye Building, 590 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with
여러군데를 발품 팔았는데 어떤 병원으로 해야할지 아리송했습니다. 그런데 ㅇㅇㄱㄹ에서 상담받고 이곳이구나 싶었습니다. 아직 수술은 안해봤지만 가장 신뢰가 갔어요.
총 4곳 상담 받았는데, 원장님/실장님 모두 아이그램이 가장 친절했습니다.
저는 자연유착 상담 받았는데, 딱 자연유착만 해도 된다고 하셨고 나머지 더 하라고 과한 권유 안하셔서 좋았어요.
상담 꼼꼼하게 해주세요! 본인이 원하는 눈모양을 확실하게 정하고 가야 상담이 훨씬 수월할거 같아요. 근데 가격은 다녀봤던 곳들 중 가장 비싸요.. 자연유착 경우 50정도 비싸더라구요
손품 팔아서 4군데 정도 상담 다녀왔는데 그중 제일 꼼꼼하시고 제 눈에 대한 설명을 자세히 해주셔서 제일 믿음이 가는 의사였습니다!! 6,7월 쌍수 계획 중인데 그중 1순이는 ㅇㅇㄱㄹ 이에요
실장님 원장님 다 친절하셨음 수술방법 자세히 알려주시고 좀 바빠보이셨던거 빼면 나름 만족스러웠던 병원 이엇음
ㅇㅇㄱㄹ 상담받고왔어요 대기시간 거의 없이 예약시간 맞춰서 상담 시작했어요 수술방법에 대해서도 친절하게 설명해주세요
전에는 없던 상담료가 생겨서 아쉬웠어요.
수술비도 만만치 않게 비싸고 충분히 이윤이 남는데 상담료까지 받는건 좀 아닌듯해요.
실장님, 원장님 모두 궁금한거 있으면 다 물어보라 하시고 상담도 친절했습니다. 가장 꼼꼼히 봐주셨던 것 같습니다. 제 니즈른 많이 반영하면서도 원장님 의견도 들어볼 수 있어 좋았습니다
제일 처음으로 상담한 곳인데 수술 방법도 자세히 알려주시고 딱 필요한 수술들만 추천해주신것 같아요. 친절하십니다.
First of all, the manager was very kind and taught me the basics before the doctor came, but I kept asking the same questions over and over again, but he answered kindly and the other staff were also nice!! The interior of the hospital was clean and white, which was nice, and he explained me in detail when I consulted with the doctor. He clearly told me what didn't suit me! And I was so happy that they recommended only necessary surgeries, so I decided to have surgery at this hospital!!!
He is kind and yet speaks clearly. It's been a while since it opened, so it's good that you'll be able to receive good care if you go now.
I had my first consultation and it was nice that the consultation was friendly and detailed. He drew the lines several times, but it was disappointing that they all had double wrinkles.
The director is meticulous and seems to be the best in post-surgical care. Each hospital has its own atmosphere and color, but when I went to the hospital on the day of surgery and the day of treatment, this hospital made me feel like I was really receiving post-surgery care. The director is also very kind and whenever I have a question, I contact him and he doesn't just tell me it's okay and don't worry. He checks with the director one more time and sends me the director's answer as well, which is really nice.
Byeong-Win was one of the items on the list of products sold after 3 months of selling. First of all, the director told me what type of surgery I needed to have, gave me the diagnosis, and asked only the direction I wanted to do. The director provided the overall consultation. He explained everything in detail and laid out the lines. Even though he did things like change the surgical method, he didn't make a bad impression and was kind without any change before or after the surgery. Even when I went to check on the progress, they explained everything in detail and showed great confidence in Inseong-gap's skills. It's only been a week, but I'm very satisfied with the line. (He also has a good aesthetic sense. A point that I think is very important) The director always treats me kindly before and after the surgery. When I visited other hospitals on the list, the director made the decision from the beginning on what kind of surgery I should have, and the consultation with the doctor was short. What is the director? He decides the method and direction of surgery?
As he held the line several times, he meticulously told me what was good about this line and that it was best because it was the closest to the feeling I wanted. Since it was a one-person hospital, I was able to have a consultation without waiting in a relaxed atmosphere, and the consultation with the director was also conducted professionally.
I received consultations from several places, and the consultation with Dr. Jeong Geon-il was the most trustworthy, so I chose this place and am currently undergoing surgery and watching the progress. They looked at the design very carefully, and first of all, the counselor was very kind. Even though I asked a lot of questions because I was worried, they always answered very kindly, which gave me confidence. They take a close look at things that were overlooked in other places, so even if it's not surgery, I recommend you go and get a consultation. He was kind, but firm when he was stubborn, which made me trust him more. I'll try to leave another review once the swelling goes down!

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