Job Review

Double jaw surgery (10 days) review

Date 19.10.07 04:26:45 View 16,209
During days

Hello... It's been 10 days since I had double jaw surgery. Two years ago, I had facial contouring and teeth correction due to facial asymmetry and protruding mouth, but the improvement was minimal, and my midface looked longer, so it was stressful to see that I was older than my age. After thinking a lot about whether I should continue like there another way?, I reached out to all kinds of communities, cafes, and even the university hospital and decided to find out more. I saw posts like go to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a university hospital, and I think I went to about 8 hospitals. My knowledge increased and my fear also increased. I kept comparing hospitals, and I think I checked everything from the director's experience, surgical method, surgery time, and even my psychological state. Since it was a major surgery, I was sensitive and thought about it more and worked hard. Ha. .ㅜI think it was the hardest part. I finally decided on a hospital and set a surgery date. I think I just waited for the day of surgery after completing various initial examinations based on the internal medicine examination. Things to prepare on the day of surgery include donut cushion, neck pillow, cotton swab, Vaseline, wet tissues, paper cup, auxiliary battery, and zip-up clothes. At 10:30, I was so nervous... I asked the director a bombshell question and eventually gave up and went to the operating room to lie down. After the injection, I fell asleep as the medicine was administered, and when I woke up, I was in the recovery room.. The nurses came and told me to exhale loudly and spit out the gas. I heard a loud voice saying, "Sleep is coming, spit it out," and I came to my senses and did my best to spit it out!! Heat and swelling on my face, soreness on my neck. As time went by, my nose became stuffy, so I used Otrivin to unclog my nose. After 4 hours, I drank water and the itching was resolved. I continued to receive pain-relieving injections and antibiotic injections for swelling in my arms. I got it right! (with Ringer) Hmm..the difference with the facial contour is that the nose gets clogged and swollen like rhinitis!! I slept well on the second day. I went to the bathroom by myself even without the nurses taking care of me. He asked me to remove the blood pockets on both cheeks. I do n't know if it was because of the painless injection or because of the swelling, but the removal didn't hurt and I actually felt refreshed. The nurse gave me New Care and soy milk and also gave me an injection for swelling. I felt sore just sitting there, so I asked if I could walk up and down the hallway, and she said it was okay. I walked back and forth in a place where the nurse could see me, looked away, and walked slowly to expel the gas. It got better. On the morning of the third day, I didn't want to drink New Care or soy milk, so I shamelessly asked if there was anything else. The nurse gave me her own apple juice. Thank you. I drank Muton and was discharged after taking an X-ray and taking precautions . For reference, the swelling peaks within 3 to 5 days. Today is the 10th day. I feel rewarded for taking the swelling-reducing medicine and pumpkin juice and taking walks well. There is still some swelling, but I can feel that the midface has noticeably shortened. It's amazing that the center line of the teeth lines up when you bite down, despite the asymmetry. I want the rest of the swelling to go down quickly and eat delicious food.

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Cmts 43
Could you please give me some hospital information?
19-10-08 09:50
If you have received the information, please give me the information.
20-06-13 18:09
Your face looks so pretty in the picture ^^ I also only had swelling on one side, but you look similar to me.
19-10-09 12:35
Your face was pretty before the surgery. How much did the surgery cost? Do you also do proofreading?
19-10-13 10:25
I'll send you a note.
19-10-13 21:11
Please check the message~
19-10-15 00:10
The original version is pretty ㅜㅠㅠ I’m curious about the surgery cost and information! I'm worried about sinusitis after orthognathic surgery. Is there anything like that?
19-10-13 21:22
You are so pretty, but I think you must have had a lot of courage. I would like to give you the hospital information and cost.
19-10-15 10:05
ㅠㅠI know where the problem is, but I was afraid of Yangak for no reason and I thought I would regret it if I messed up by trying something else. ㅠㅠ I did it after really thinking about it.
19-10-22 05:26
I would also like to send you a message with hospital information and costs.
20-01-14 19:49
You were really pretty ㅠㅠ Can I get some information about the hospital??
19-10-17 10:42
I would also like information about the hospital.
19-10-17 18:25
It's so pretty!!!!!!!! Please let me know!
19-10-18 17:07
If you have received the information, please share it with me too. I feel like you are not active.
20-06-22 15:52
Wow ㅠㅠ It's my first time seeing a case where you outlined the two in real life.
19-10-20 14:50
It's pretty. Please pay for it.
19-10-28 02:04
Wow, it's so pretty ㅠㅠ I regret getting double jaw surgery too.. Can you share the cost and hospital information??
19-11-02 09:15
Please give me the cost and hospital information.
19-11-02 11:01
Please pay the hospital cost haha
19-11-03 09:11
Can I also ask for the cost and hospital information?
19-11-04 01:16
If you have received the information, please share it. I don't think you are active.
20-06-13 18:11
I also need information.. I’ve been putting it off for 2 years. Phew ㅠㅠ And it worked out so well!!
19-11-06 11:43
You were so pretty before too ㅠㅠ
19-11-07 03:22
You didn’t have any correction after double jaw surgery??? Could you please give me information about the hospital and cost? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
19-11-08 16:45
I'm also curious about the cost and information ㅠㅠㅠㅠ... Please.
19-11-23 04:12
You were always pretty haha. Has the swelling gone down a lot now? Please share hospital information ㅜㅜ
19-12-10 18:10
How is your condition now? Can I ask for some information too?
19-12-31 09:06
Huh? Jeondo is really pretty, right?? I hope everything goes well, may I ask for some information???
20-01-14 14:36
Please give me some hospital information!
20-04-03 03:00
I would also like some information about the hospital ㅜㅜ
20-04-14 22:19
* This is a secret post.
20-05-23 01:53
I'll give you some information.
20-06-13 18:09
Where did you do it?
20-06-24 14:59
I would like some information too! ㅠㅠㅠ
20-07-31 22:21
I heard it was very difficult, but thank you for your hard work. Can you tell me the hospital information and costs??
20-09-10 01:21
I would also like to ask for the hospital and expenses.
20-09-11 00:24
I also need some information about the director and the hospital.
20-09-30 11:51
I need help with the hospital and expenses!
21-04-17 16:49
You're always pretty
22-02-09 09:15
Hospital information please!!
22-03-05 03:23
Wow, I don't know where you got it done, but it turned out so pretty ㅠㅠ I want to know the hospital information!!!!!
23-01-04 00:31
양악하시기 전 사진도 예뻐보이세요
23-04-15 14:10
병원정보 부탁드려요~~~
24-06-13 13:16
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