Job Review

Before deciding on double jaw & facial contour and review of 2 months after surgery

Date 19.05.29 02:49:15 View 2,988

I've never left a review, good or bad, and this is my first time leaving a review like this, but I'm leaving a review because I think there are people like me. I am a person who decided to get plastic surgery since I was in middle school because of clowns. However, it was scary, it cost a lot of money, and I just lived a life of stress. When I was 22, I was told in college that I would have looked like a human if I didn't have a clown, which hurt me greatly and made me decide to get plastic surgery again. So, I went to different hospitals and received consultations and recommendations, but I didn't really trust them and even when I was consulting, one doctor said, 'You just need to cut everything down as much as possible. Anyway, most of them ask for a lower discount.’ He said that, and honestly, most hospitals were like that. So I didn’t trust him so much and thought I would regret something, but then I happened to see Director Choi Bong-gyun’s blog on ㄴㅇㅂ. First of all, when it comes to surgery, the number one priority was patient safety, and I think I had more confidence in the abundant surgical knowledge and theoretical aspects. So I made an appointment right away and went for a consultation, but without telling any lies, I was already receiving surgery on my heart at this hospital. The director was very kind, and I was very scared and worried and asked a lot of questions, but he seemed to be having a hard time. He showed me pictures or first-hand experience reviews, explained them in an easy way, looked at all the situations, told me which surgery method and type was right for me, and told me not to just do it, but to think about it more and choose carefully. Since I had been suffering from a complex for a long time, I trusted the director and immediately decided to go to this hospital and set a date for surgery. Oh, and they said they perform surgery on at most one or two people a day here. On the day of my surgery, I think I was the only person doing the surgery. Anyway, on the day of the surgery, I went to the hospital alone to prepare for the surgery, and I was so scared and scared, and so many thoughts were passing through my head, such as should I run away or just say no? If you do, Severance Hospital is right next door, and I will take you right away and make sure you can go home safely without any problems. However, the probability is almost 0.1%, so don't worry, sleep well, and everything will be fine when you wake up. He reassured me with these words, saying, 'Let's only think about good things.' I was scared and scared on the operating table, but I trusted the doctor and fell asleep. And when I woke up, I was in the recovery room, and I started crying, probably because I was relaxed, but I couldn't cry properly because I was in pain. The nurses comforted me and told me that it would hurt more if I cried, but when I cried, it hurt even more, so I stopped. Also, if you have surgery, you will be hospitalized for 2 nights and 3 days, and the nurses will go back and forth to the ward 24 hours a day, give you nutritional supplements, and take care of you by going back and forth a lot. After the surgery, it will be a little difficult to breathe at first, and it will be dry, so they will keep running a humidifier. They will work shifts for 24 hours, and you will not sleep. When I called in sick in the early morning, she came right away and took care of me without causing any inconvenience, and gave me painkillers when I was sick. Anyway, I was so, so thankful to that nurse. The day I was discharged from the hospital, I really didn't want to go home. The nurses at this hospital are all really nice, and because I was very picky and had a weak stomach, I was a crybaby who cried at least once a day at the hospital. When I cried, several of the nurses took turns stopping by my room to worry about me and comfort me by telling me not to cry. .. Even thinking about it now, I am so grateful ㅠㅠ But it hurt so much.. Still, if you endure the great pain for just a week, then time will solve the problem.. A little pain and a fight against time begins. At that time, I was in so much pain, and I often thought that I did it for nothing, but I got better quickly after receiving follow-up care and care at the hospital once a week. It's been 2 months now and I'm so, so happy and have absolutely no regrets!! I had a case of severe swelling, so I still feel a little swollen, but it looks so natural that people around me think I lost weight and got my wisdom teeth removed, and my face has become half as small, so I enjoy looking in the mirror these days. haha ​​When I wake up in the morning, I look in the full-length mirror first. Just before I go to bed, I look in the mirror for the last time! Oh, I had double jaw surgery and facial contouring surgery, and I will post comparison photos starting in the third month! And I don't necessarily recommend plastic surgery to people with surgical experience. I was able to make the decision quickly because I had been thinking about it for about 10 years since I was young. I hope that those who want to have surgery will decide more carefully, and I am posting this review because I want everyone to be successful in a safer and better place. Surgery anywhere is really difficult and you have to endure a lot of pain and annoyance. I cut myself off from the world for about a month after the surgery. I was able to endure it because I had made such a big decision, and I decided to write this because I felt like I knew what it was like to decide to have the surgery. I hope my article was of some help, and thank you for reading the long article.

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이런게 진짜 성형의 순기능 같아요. 정성스러운 후기 잘 봤습니다.
Cmts 13
Best Post.
This really seems like a positive function of plastic surgery. I enjoyed your sincere review.
19-05-30 06:44
I'm really glad it's going well haha ​​I'm also thinking about it right now and I think this article is comforting. Thank you for the good information as well~
19-06-08 01:41
Thank you for good information!
19-06-10 01:08
Thank you for the good information ㅜㅜDid you do the double jaw as well as the contour because of the chin????
19-06-20 05:37
yes My chin wasn't that bad, but I had a slightly protruding and square jaw, so I did the same!
19-07-16 03:34
It would have been really difficult to do both. But I'm really glad that the surgery went well.
19-07-15 20:09
This is a sincere article. Did you proofread it?
19-07-16 04:51
상세한 후기 감동이에요!! 안전하게 잘 받으셨다니 부럽네요!!
19-07-17 23:45
수고하셧어요 !!
19-07-25 14:36
고생하셨어요.. 저도 이 병원으로 알아봐야겠어요
19-08-05 12:32
* 비밀글 입니다.
21-08-06 21:19
저도 지금고민중인데 2년지난 지금 어떠신지?? 광대처짐은 어떤지 30대인데 늦은건 아닌지 고민됩니다
22-08-27 12:45
23-08-04 21:51
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