it's already been 6 months since I had my double jaw, cheekbone, square jaw, and front jaw surgery at Waigang on May 23rd~
When I visited the hospital, they told me that my bones were completely healed and the swelling was almost gone!
When I first had the surgery, I felt a bit swollen because I had the 3 types of contouring at the same time, and time passed so quickly that I couldn't imagine what I would look like at 6 months, but time really flies...!!
Now that it's 6 months, I can eat almost anything, and I can eat almost anything hard or chewy!
Of course, I'm very satisfied, and people around me say that my face has gotten much smaller. ㅎㅎ
Every time I visit, the orthodontist kindly checks my condition and treats me, so I'm doing very well. I think my sensation has almost come back, but I'm using a hot compress because I'm cold.
It hurts a lot when they tighten the orthodontic wires, but other than that, I have no discomfort at all and my sensation is coming back well. I would like to thank Director Lee Seok-jae, who performed the surgery.