Job Review

[Double Jaw] Double Jaw Surgery Review

Date 24.08.27 15:42:31 View 985
12 만원
During days
14 Days

I didn't know that my jaw was weird until I was in middle school, when a friend said, "Hey, why is your jaw crooked to the left?" and I was teased about it ever since. It stressed me out a lot and I hated having my pictures taken because it was so obvious. I kept thinking about getting double jaw surgery, but when the dentist told me that orthodontic treatment would fix it, I put off getting it and started getting it, but it stayed the same as time went by, so I asked why and they said that my jaw had grown to the left and that it couldn't be fixed with orthodontic treatment alone and that I needed surgery. So I searched on Naver and chose Y Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and decided to get surgery after discussing it with my parents. The director and the hospital director kindly explained the surgery to me, and I ended up getting the SSRO surgery. Day 1 (the day of surgery) I arrived at the hospital around 9:30 on the day of the surgery, waited a bit, then went to the hospital room to change clothes, and met the director and the chief for the last time before the surgery. They told me that the swelling would be severe in the 3rd to 5th day, and that the swelling could go down asymmetrically. I waited a bit in the hospital room and went into the operating room around 10:20, and according to my mother, I came out around 1:40. When I opened my eyes right after the surgery, I didn’t feel that it hurt that much, and I was so sleepy that I couldn’t hold out. And I had a hard time breathing, and my throat was dry, but I couldn’t drink water until the evening, so it was so hard. On the morning of the second day , they removed the catheter and the blood clot in my mouth, and I also received laser treatment for swelling. And since I didn’t have any strength in my body, I thought that resting in bed for a while and walking would help the swelling go down, so I walked around the hospital for a bit, then rested in bed again, and walked again. In the afternoon, I got an X-ray, rested in bed, ate the Newcare the hospital gave me, gargled, and put the wafer on properly. The third day is the day of discharge. I prepared for discharge from 9:30? and waited for my parents to come. Before my parents came, I saw the director for the last time. My parents came and discharged me with them. I went to the pharmacy and got medicine, but there was a lot to eat. After receiving all the medicine and coming home, I took a shower right away. Fortunately, I didn’t feel dizzy or collapse. And while showering, I looked in the mirror and my face was so swollen that it made me laugh. In the evening, my nose was a little more open than on the first or second day, but it was just as hard to sleep as on the first or second day. Week 1 My face was the most swollen on the fifth day. At that time , I remember laughing to myself every time I looked in the mirror and thinking, “Wow, I’m so ugly.” When I looked at reviews of people with double jaw surgery, they said things got better after a week , and I think I got used to it after a week, so I was okay. And I was too lazy to eat anything else on the first week, so I just ate Newcare. Then I went to the hospital, got laser treatment for swelling, had my mouth disinfected, and went home. 2 weeks (current) The swelling has gone down more than before, but I think it's because my swelling doesn't go down well, and it's still a little swollen, so I think it'll take more time. Before, I used to go for walks even when it was hot, but these days, the weather is hot but it suddenly rains, so it's a bit hesitant to go out. When the weather gets better, I'll have to go for walks more often than usual. And these days, I'm eating a lot of soft foods like porridge, bread, and steamed eggs to fill my stomach. ㅎㅎ In the 2nd week, I went to the hospital and got laser treatment for swelling and had my stitches removed. I was worried because there were many reviews saying it hurt after having my stitches removed, but it didn't hurt as much as I thought. The director told me that I was healing well, and now he told me to practice opening my mouth and saying "aeiow" to loosen the muscles around my mouth, so I'm working hard on that!

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