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[Orthodontics] I think it’s better to get orthodontic treatment when you’re at least one year old!

Date 24.06.20 22:19:40 View 935
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I didn't think about braces because I didn't feel any functional abnormalities in particular, but after the age of 20, I found out that I had a problem with my teeth lying inward. I got braces done at a famous dentist near my house, and all the teachers were very kind. However, although you receive a monthly fee, you also have to pay for every single detail, such as scaling a very small part or retouching a crown height that does not match, so it is not cheap even though it is a local dentist. What I felt after getting orthodontic treatment is that in addition to regular checkups once a month, orthodontic treatment is also necessary. Problems such as braces falling off often occur and I have to go to the hospital a lot because of that. If possible, please get your correction done at a place close to your home. I hope you go to a place where the teachers are friendly. The orthodontic treatment takes a long time, and you have to see the doctor every month during the process, so it's really hard if you don't want to go because your personality doesn't match. In addition, there are bound to be embarrassing situations while visiting the doctor, such as the braces falling off frequently, and if he is even a little unfriendly, it becomes quite uncomfortable. Do it as young as possible! The speed of this movement is generally faster the younger you are, so you suffer less. During the orthodontic period, it inevitably becomes more difficult than usual to chew food, and the older you get with poor digestion, the more likely you are to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. The discomfort caused by teeth not fitting properly is clear. If you are planning to do it, please do it quickly and be comfortable haha.

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