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[Double Jaw] 80% reduction in swelling in 3 months after double jaw surgery

Date 24.05.29 22:32:39 View 1,727
12 만원
During days
90 Days

It has been 3-4 months since the surgery, and the swelling has gone down by about 80%.  I think I spent 3 months waiting for the swelling to go down. This means that I didn't have any pain or discomfort in my daily life! Since my school days, I had a complex about my ugly appearance and the attention and criticism from people around me, especially my protruding chin. But when I went to the local dentist, I was completely convinced that it was not a teeth problem, but a jaw problem that could not be solved with orthodontic treatment. Haha. So. As I became an adult, I decided to undergo orthognathic surgery. I consulted about five places, including a university hospital and a private hospital, and ultimately chose Y Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, which I learned about through YouTube. The reason for choosing it was the professionalism of the director, but among the videos I saw on YouTube, a video titled A Word to Parents really touched me, and after that, I was completely hooked on Y. In addition, I felt reassured that CCTV was shown in real time, and I trusted the friendly staff. Haha. Anyway, in February, I received double jaw surgery and type 2 contouring (square jaw and front jaw)! Currently, I am making my own efforts at home, such as consistently applying lifting bands and elastic cream to prevent the skin from sagging as much as the bone cut area! Recently, I looked at a photo from my childhood, and it was amazing to see in the mirror the same short, round face shape I had as a baby, before my chin protruded and my face became longer. Haha, especially with double jaw surgery, the most obvious change seems to be in the profile. Even acquaintances who were at first uncomfortable with my changed appearance have now gotten used to it and have even heard that my face has gotten smaller and my nose has gotten a little taller. Up until two months after the surgery, I still had some limits on what I could eat, but now, three months later, I am eating very well. Inconvenient foods include cold noodles that are tough and not easily broken, or very tough meat... ? I think it's because post-correction is still in progress. Now that it's been 3 months, I can do the intense exercise that I couldn't do while recovering from surgery. So far, I'm living my normal life without any problems. Of course, I still take care of my face more than I did before the surgery. As I thought it was a major surgery, I underwent the surgery with a certain level of nerve damage in mind, so I am even more grateful and satisfied that my nerves recovered quickly and came back.

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