Job Review

[Double Jaw] Yangak 8-month review

Date 24.03.17 22:57:24 View 1,969

I am writing this review 8 months after the surgery in July of last year. My occlusion is correct, but my upper jaw is a little undergrown and the tip of my chin is slightly protruding, so my chin tip appears to stick out more when I smile. However, although I didn't know about it unless I told people around me, it was a problem that bothered me. My teeth were also crooked, so I had braces done 7 years ago, but the tip of my chin looked more protruding. I also regretted having braces because I felt like my face was becoming more prominent due to the loss of cheek fat, which I didn't have much of before. There are a lot of side effects related to chin surgery on the Internet. While researching, I really wanted to have surgery, but in July of last year, I called the hospital and made an appointment. I chose this place because the director writes a lot of papers related to orthognathic and I felt like he was doing a lot of research to reduce side effects. I thought it was a mandibular case, but it was asymmetrical, the mouth opened in a slightly zigzag way, the tip of the chin was a little protruding, and the front cheek was turned off, so I chose it. lack. He said that what can complement that is Western music. I was told that it was a case in which lower jaw surgery was not necessary and that they recommended double jaw surgery or chin surgery. After much deliberation, I decided to get double jaw surgery. I know that other places usually require 3 days of hospitalization for surgery, but here they said it would only take 1 day, so I was actually hospitalized for 1 day and came out. I live in Busan, so I was discharged the day after surgery, but I covered my face bandage with a neck pillow + hat and mask and rode the KTX. Still, I got on the KTX. I'm sure everyone noticed, right? Haha, but my body was in better shape than I was worried about. It was amazing that I was able to walk well. I thought I would have to be supported, but I walked around the station a few times on my own to get rid of the swelling. I was able to get a good night's sleep from the 5th day after the surgery. Haha And Here, the patient visits the hospital one week after surgery and wears a wafer and elastic band. A week after the surgery, I was walking back and forth from Busan to Seoul by myself, but I was out of breath even just walking, so I walked while taking deep breaths. At other hospitals, they had to wear wafers and rubber bands right after the surgery, which made it difficult for me to breathe properly, but at this hospital, they started wearing them a week after the surgery, so I felt truly blessed. I did it haha. It's been 8 months and I still have philtrum swelling, but they say philtrum swelling lasts the longest so I'll have to wait longer. I don't regret having my jaw adjusted. I thought I wouldn't be able to adapt if my face changed a lot, so I asked for it to be as natural as possible. That's why my friends looked naturally prettier. Well, I think so too haha. I hope those of you who are worried about orthodontic treatment will do well without any side effects. Thank you for reading this long article.

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