I received correction at an orthodontic clinic for slightly protruding mouth and overlapping teeth. I started having braces in my third year of middle school and finished my teeth correction in my second year of high school, but I cried a lot when I had braces on. My mouth looks too far in, so it looks like it's joined together, and when I smile, my teeth are so far in that they look black. If I do reverse correction, it will take about 3 years. I asked if I wanted to do it and the director told me that it would be over when I got braces, but he didn't say anything and I was very frustrated. There was a limit to removing teeth through orthodontic extraction, and I thought I would have to go through the uncomfortable process again, so the orthodontic treatment was completed while the teeth were in a state of fusion. After that, every time I looked in the mirror, I hated seeing my receding mouth and smaller lips. I searched here and there to get reverse orthodontic treatment, but the answer I got back was that extraction orthodontic treatment was unavoidable and that I needed to put in 4 more implants to make the teeth come out, so I was frustrated again. I recommend a doctor who is good at reverse correction or a good hospital. Otherwise, please give me some advice from someone who has done reverse correction!