Facial asymmetry is a complex, so it's been about 3 weeks since I had orthognathic surgery at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department near Sinsa Station in Seoul . I had previously undergone corrections, and there were no major problems in appearance or function other than facial asymmetry, so I thought a lot before surgery (from the cost-effective aspect), but I am satisfied with the result . . It's really harder than I thought, having to keep my mouth tied and only being able to eat liquid food. I weighed 53 kilos before the surgery, but this is the first time I've seen the front seat 4 since high school. While I couldn't eat , the only memory I had was to search for food with ingredients in the Yangjak Review all day. It's better to think that the stress that comes from not being able to eat is so much bigger than you think!